Missing Matter / Claim
Missing Matters
- If your matter or claim is missing in Acuity, please reach out to your client contact.
- Matters are added to Acuity and assigned to your firm by the client, not by Acuity.
Note: Some matter assignments are sent to Acuity through a client’s data feed, and may take a business day or more to appear in Acuity after being added by the client.
Unassigned Matters
- If you are no longer able to access a matter/claim that your firm previously had access to, your firm may have been unassigned.
- Acuity Support can help confirm whether your firm still has access to the matter in Acuity.
- If you have been unassigned but still need access to the matter, or would like more information, please reach out to the client.
Unable to Upload Invoices for a Matter
- If you can access the matter in Acuity but are having trouble uploading an invoice to the matter, you can reach out to Acuity Support for assistance. .