Cost Share
When is Cost Share applied?
In Acuity, if the cost of an invoice is shared with an outside company, a Cost Share could be applied to the invoice. Some client's may refer to these cost as SIR - Self-Insured Retention.
1. The Cost Share is set by the Client on a claim level and can be viewed on the Claim Settings tab under the Firm Settings option of the Claim Profile:
2. Invoices will automatically split by the set percentage upon Final Approval
3. Prior to the Client's final review, the invoice will maintain the original Created/Uploaded Total:
4. Approved, Sent for Payment and/or Paid Invoice statuses will display the adjusted total:
5. Click the "View Split Invoice" link to view the outside company's invoice copy
6. The split bill will have the same Invoice Number as the "Parent Invoice" including a dash followed by an acronym
Note: The below example states - SB for "Split Bill"
7. Click the "View Parent Invoice" link to return to the Client copy
8. The Review will also have an option to update Cost Share directly on the Invoice Profile when in Edit mode.