The Classifications hyperlink in the Application Administration | Firms & Vendors sidebar allows site administrators and super users to keep data for firms and vendors organized to aid with reporting.
Edit a Classification
- Click the
icon and use the available text box to enter a new name.
- Click Save to confirm, or
Retire Category to deactivate the classification.
Retired Categories
Retired categories show up with the icon to the right of the name. These categories can still be selected for editing.
- Click on the category name and type your changes into the text box, then click Save.
- Click
Activate Category to reactivate the classification.
Add a New Classification
Filter Options:
Button |
Filter |
Type Company |
Display classifications based on the company type. |
Expertise Area (Company) |
Display classifications based on company's expertise area. |
Reference Title |
Display classifications based on reference title. |
Type Counsel |
Display classifications based on a type of counsel. |
Expertise Area (Individual) |
Display classifications based on an individual's expertise area. |
Job Title |
Display classifications based on job title. |
Orphans |
Display classifications that are not being used. |