How do I Encrypt a Password?
These instructions are intended for use on a Windows workstation.
Required: Java 6 Runtime Environment
1. Find the folder where encrypt.jar is located.
a. From My Computer, search C: for “encrypt.jar”
b. When you find it, right click and select “Open File Location”
c. Select the path in the address bar at the top of the My Computer folder and Copy.
Example: C:\Mitratech TCE 33sp3\Installation\TeamConnect Enterprise 3.3 SP3\utilities\encrypt
2. Go to a command prompt.
a. Under Start, type “CMD” in the Search box.
3. Use CD to change to that folder
a. You copied the folder name, so you can paste it. Type “CD” and then right click and select Paste.
Example: cd C:\Mitratech TCE 33sp3\Installation\TeamConnect Enterprise 3.3 SP3\utilities\encrypt
4. Type “java -jar encrypt.jar MySecretPassword” (no quotes; MySecretPassword is the password being encrypted).
5. Right click the command prompt and select Mark.
6. Drag/select the encrypted password with the left mouse key.
7. Right click again to copy the password; you can now save the encrypted password to Notepad or another location