When running the WH install script, I receive "INCOMPATIBLE VERSION" errors. What should I do?
When first installing the TeamConnect Data Warehouse, you may receive an error like this:
"ERROR day-month hh:mm:ss,ms - Check TC_VERSION - An error occurred executing this job entry.... INCOMPATIBLE VERSION! - This version of Data Warehouse is incompatible with the source version of TeamConnect."
This error can occur for several reasons, including:
1. The version of TeamConnect Data Warehouse you are installing does not match your version of TeamConnect.
2. You are unable to connect to either the source (TeamConnect) or target (TeamConnect Data Warehouse) database servers. Check network connectivity, as well as insure that you have specified correct host addresses, port settings, login credentials and service IDs in the /.kettle/kettle.properties configuration file.
3. Your JDBC driver for either the source or target is corrupted, missing, or out-of-date. Also, make sure that your JDBC driver is compatible with your JDK.
Read the error message carefully; depending on the reason for the error as well as the JDBC driver you are using, you may be able to isolate the problem simply by reviewing the log file.