Code Samples (Java/Apache CXF)
- ContactRepository
- AccountRepository
- AppointmentRepository
- DocumentRepository
- ExpenseRepository
- GroupAccountRepository
- HistoryRepository
- InvoiceRepository
- ProjectRepository
- InvolvedRepository
- TaskRepository
- UserAccountRepository
Each TeamConnect Web Service's or repository's sample code is provided by repository name in alphabetic order for ease of navigation. However the object types can be grouped conceptually like the following:
- System Objects—AccountRepository, AppointmentRepository, ContactRepository, ExpenseRepository, InvoiceRepository, TaskRepository
- DocumentRepository (this type of record can be stand-alone but is commonly associated with another record)
- HistoryRepository (this type of record is always associated with another record, for capturing information about changes to the record information)
- Custom Objects—ProjectRepository
- InvolvedRepository (although a system object, this type of record is commonly associated with a project record)
- Account Administration Objects—GroupAccountRepository, UserAccountRepository
Basic overview descriptions for common functions like inserting, updating, reading, searching, and deleting records are in the chapter, Getting Started under Common Functions.
Note: For JAVA code samples provided in this guide, JAX-WS and JAXB methods were used for JAVA XML Binding.