Object Model Conventions
- Each table in this documentation includes all of the attributes available in Object Navigator for the corresponding object. This includes relationships that do not exist in the database.
- Attributes are listed in alphabetical order within each table.
- You can use the grouping of tables in the left pane to understand the relationships between the various tables. The tables are grouped in the left pane according to the main objects to which they are most closely associated (such as Account, Project, or Task). Tables that are administrative and are not closely associated with one particular object are listed in the Common section.
- Each main object's tables are listed in the following order:
- T-table
- J-tables and their corresponding R-tables
- Category and Custom Field tables (E-tables)
- User and group access tables
- Object (table) names are provided as links, so that if you are viewing this documentation electronically, you can quickly navigate to the table for the corresponding object.
- Items that have the data type object are treated as objects, rather than foreign keys (as they are treated in the database) in the descriptions that are listed in the Comments column of each table. This is why the Comments column does not indicate that an attribute stores the ID or primary key of the object, but instead indicates that the attribute identifies the object itself. This convention is followed in order to lessen confusion for users who are not concerned with the way the database actually works.
- For example, in the table TInvolved, the attribute project--> is described as the project to which the involved record belongs, rather than the primary key of the project to which the involved record belongs.
Enumerations are represented in the Object Model by typeIID (Internal ID) attributes that can only have static, predefined values. The predefined values of these enumerations are listed in parentheses in the Comments column of the table for each such attribute. In some queries you may wish to use the integer that represents each value. In other situations, such as embedding report tags into custom blocks, you will need to use the Java constant name for the value instead of the integer.
As an example, consider attribute typeIID in entity TInvoice. It has four possible values:
Integer |
Java constant |
Text shown to end user (US English locale) |
0 |
Standard |
1 |
Credit Note |
2 |
Accrual |
3 |
Shadow Invoice |
The text displayed to the end user for an enumeration may vary depending upon the locale that is being used for the session. However, the Java constant names will always be those described in the Comments for the attribute, regardless of locale.
If you are querying the actual database value, you would look for one of the integers (0 through 3). If you are referencing this attribute in connection with a report tag in a custom block you would use the Java constant name that corresponds to the value you are looking for.
The datatype shown for enumerations in the Object Model tables is Enum. This usually represents an integer datatype in the underlying database (although some enumerations are character datatypes), extended with predefined values and Java constant names.
Note: All enumerations in this Object Model have attribute names ending in "IID". There is further information about enumerations in .XCT files that are provided in the installation media; see Viewing XCT Files.
Object Model Terms
You must understand the meaning of the following terms in order to work with this document:
- Object is used to refer to objects in the object model. This is a different definition for this term than for other TeamConnect documentation. The distinction is that in TeamConnect's GUI, only the main objects are treated as objects (for example, System Objects, Custom Objects, Related Objects, and so on). In the object model, this term is more broad.
- Object Navigator is a UI tool that allows you to navigate through tables that represent objects in the object model. This makes it easier for you to select attributes when necessary for the task you are completing. For more details about Object Navigator, see Using Object Navigator.
- Attributes are the building blocks of objects, and represent the actual data that end user enter into TeamConnect. They also represent relationships between objects. For example, every Custom Object consists of over a dozen attributes, all of which are listed in the main object table for Project: mainAssignee, createdOn, createdBy, closedOn, defaultCategory, and so on. All of the attributes for an object are listed in its corresponding table in the document.
- End of path If an attribute is an end of path, it can be selected at the end of a path in Object Navigator. An end of path contains some type of value, such as a number, date, or text.
- If an item cannot be selected as the ending of a path, it is a "bridge" and exists in the object model for the purpose of establishing relationships to other objects.
- Bridge If an attribute is a Bridge, it allows you to traverse to other tables in Object Navigator that correspond to objects in the object model. Some bridges correspond to database columns and represent a specific data value. However, not all bridge attributes exist in the database. If an item is marked as a bridge but not an end of path, it does not represent a database column. Itrepresents a one-to-many relationship and exists in the object model for the purpose of establishing relationships to other tables, and can never be selected as an end of path.
- Table is used to refer to objects, for three reasons:
- Each table in this document represents an object in the object model. This format is used to convey the information in a logical and visual manner.
- Object Navigator represents objects by displaying them as tables in the UI.
- All of the objects in this document have corresponding tables in the database, with corresponding columns for most attributes.
Descriptions of Columns in Tables
The columns in each table in this document are provided to give you a good understanding of each attribute. The following columns are included in each table:
TeamConnect Attribute |
Name of the attribute as it appears in Object Navigator. |
Field in UI |
System field in TeamConnect's end-user UI (as provided by default with the system) that corresponds to the attribute. The location of the field in the UI is indicated in parentheses. Not all attributes are represented by fields in the UI. This document does not attempt to reflect any customization of System Fields in the UI that has been performed for your system. |
End of path |
Indicates whether the item can be selected at the end of a path in Object Navigator. See Object Model Terms for details. |
Bridge |
Indicates whether the item is a bridge. This is also indicated by an arrow (-->) at the end of the attribute name. See Object Model Terms for details. |
Links to object table |
If the item is a bridge, this column indicates the object in the object model (or, the table in Object Navigator tool) to which the bridge provides a relationship. Note: If the item is ALSO an attribute, then the primary key of this object is the value that the attribute stores in the database. Tip: When viewing this document electronically, you can click the name of the table to go directly to that object's attribute descriptions in this document. |
Data type |
Indicates the data type of the attribute.
Comments |
Provides a description of the item. For beginners, this column may also provide suggestions for using the item. For items that are marked End of path and Bridge, two bulleted descriptions are given in this column. These bullets describe the two ways that you can use this item. For example: 8 The first item is marked with this bullet and describes the item's function when selected as an end of path. For example, selecting user--> as the end of your path in the table JProjAssignee gives you the user who is being identified as an assignee of the project. --> The second item is marked with this bullet and describes the contents of the table to which the item links, if you use the item as a bridge. For example, selecting user--> as a bridge in the table JProjAssignee gives you access to the table YUser, which contains that user account's definition information. These two descriptions are provided in order to help you determine the following:
Commonly used in (Rules, Templates/ Wizards) |
These columns have been introduced primarily to help you learn to build a path using Object Navigator. Because Object Navigator displays all existing attributes, regardless of their function, there are many selections available that serve no practical purpose when you are creating Rules, Templates, Wizards, and Wizard Rules. You can use these columns to help you distinguish between useful and non-useful selections. For example, in most cases, the Version attribute is not considered a commonly used attribute for creating Rules, Templates, or Wizards. |