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Creating Header and Converting Template to XML

Once you have finished inserting tags in the content section of your document template and have identified what filters and input pages you need to define in the header, you are ready to finalize the template by creating the header and converting the file to XML.

Important: Before completing the following process, verify that you have completed Inserting Tags and Preparing RTF Files.

To create the header section and convert the template to XML

  1. Open the document template, which is an RTF file, in a text editor or HTML editor, such as EditPlus or Notepad™.
  2. At the beginning of the document, type the following:
    Caution: Do not place a line return after this tag. If the source code for the document content does not start immediately after the tc:content tag, TeamConnect will encounter an error when trying to generate this document.
  3. At the end of the document, type the corresponding end tag:
    Caution: Do not place a line return before this tag.
  4. Save the document as a new file with an XML extension.
  5. With a text editor such as Notepad or HTML editor such as EditPlus, open the Document Content XML file.
  6. At the beginning of the document before the opening tc:content tag, insert the following tags, with a line return after each, in the following order:
    1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    2. <tc:document version="1.0" mime-type="MimeType" name="TemplateName" xmlns:tc="">
      For more details about the attributes for the document tag, such as the mime type and template name, see Completing the Document Template.
    3. <tc:header>
  7. Nest the appropriate tc:filter and tc:input tags after the tc:header tag. If your document template does not require any user input, then you will not nest any tags within the tc:header tag.
  8. Close the header section by inserting the following tag after the last tc:filter or tc:input tag.
    Important: You must include the open and close tc:header tags whether or not you are using tc:filter and tc:input.
  9. At the end of the document after the closing tc:content tag, insert the following tag:
    This completes the template.
  10. Save the XML document.
  11. Test your XML document by opening it in Internet Explorer to make sure that your coding has no errors.

After you save the XML document, it is ready to be uploaded into TeamConnect as a document template. For more information, see Uploading Document Templates.

Header Example

The following is an example of a header. This header includes the filter and input tags necessary for the claim notification letter shown in the examples throughout this document. For example, see the document generator template page two image.

<tc:header><tc:filter name="SelectInvolvedContact" searchCondition="Involved_Contact" hidden="no" label="Please select an Involved Party" displayString="FirstName;Name" displayFormat="* *" />
    <tc:filter name="InvolvedContactAddress" objectFrom="SelectedInvolvedContact"     test="AddressList"displayString="Type/Name;Street;City" displayFormat="* - *
    *" label="Please Select the Involved's Address."/>
    <tc:filter name="involvedinaccident" searchCondition="Involved" hidden="yes" />
    <tc:filter name="passenger" searchCondition="Involved" hidden="yes" displayString="DefaultCategory/TreePosition" />
    <tc:input name="UserInitials" label="Enter your initials here." size="15" />
    <tc:input name="LetterDate" label="Date letter will be sent" size="15" />
    <tc:input name="AdditionalComments" label="Enter any additional comments." size="50" maxChars="400" multi="yes"     cols="45" rows="2"/>