Using the Time Entry Tool as Administrator
This topic applies to TeamConnect®Legal Matter Management only. The Legal Administrator group can do the following:
- Review and verify the time entries for all timekeepers' entries in the Time Entry Tool.
- Change the phase of a billing time period.
- Add, change (edit, post, void), or delete time entries for other timekeepers. For more information, see the Legal Matter Management User Help.
Reviewing Time Entries
While reviewing timekeepers' entries in the Time Entry Tool or after the time period has ended, you can lock the corresponding time period. If the time period phase is locked, timekeepers will be prevented from entering, changing, posting, voiding, or deleting time entries from the Time Entry Tool.
To verify time entries for a Time Period
- From the Tools list, click the Time Entry Tool link.
- For the Task For, select the time period to view by clicking the Calendar icon to select a date.
- If the time period is weekly, the corresponding week's time period is displayed.
- If the time period is monthly, the corresponding month's time period is displayed.
- From the Timekeepers drop-down list, select the timekeeper whose time entries to view.
Time Period Phases
A Time Period can have the following phases:
- Un-Lock—(default) Allows timekeepers to enter, change (edit, post, void), and delete time entries in the Time Entry Tool
- Lock—Prevents timekeepers from entering, changing (editing, posting, voiding), and deleting time entries in the Time Entry Tool. A Time Period in Locked phase can be changed to Un-Lock or Processed phases.
- Processed—Prevents timekeepers from entering, changing (editing, posting, voiding), and deleting time entries in the Time Entry Tool. After a Time Period is set to the Processed phase, you cannot change it to previous phases.
To change a Time Period's phase
- Click the Time Entry Settings link under the All tab in the upper-right of TeamConnect.
- Click the Edit Record icon .
- Click the Time Periods link from the left pane.
- From the Time Periods page Filter section, search for a Time Period.
- From the Results tab, click a Time Period name.
- From the (actions) drop-down list, select one of the following:
- Un-Lock—Only displays if the current phase is Lock.
- Lock—Only displays if the current phase is unlocked.
- Processed
- From the confirmation dialog, click OK.