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TeamConnect Search Modifiers


TeamConnect's search feature allows the following search modifiers to improve results. Refer to the table below for examples and details.

Note: Case-sensitive searching and the use of escape characters are not applicable to TeamConnect search. For example, searching for Team and team will yield the same results. Similarly, escape characters such as \ used to search special characters (e.g., \* or \?) will not alter the search behavior.


  • Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) must be written in all caps.
  • Use quotation marks around separate words or phrases for best results. Multiple words without the quotation marks present will default to the OR operator described below.
  • Modifiers are able to be grouped for more precise search results. Use parentheses to separate phrases with different modifiers.For example:
    (Johnson OR Roger) AND YonderCorp
  • For faster results, avoid using wildcards at the beginning of search string.
Search Modifier Details Examples


The AND operator matches search items where both terms exist anywhere within the object, such as the contact name, memo text, or company name. The && expression can also be used in place of AND.

"Johnson" AND "LegalCorp"

"Accrual" AND "January"

"Bowie" && "Harvey Smith"

OR The OR operator links two terms and finds a matching document if either of the terms exist in a document. The || expression can also be used in place of OR.

"LegalCorp Holdings" OR "LegalCore"

"Johnson Roger" || "Roger Johnson"

Proximity The proximity operator (~#) allows users to find words within a given range of each other. After entering a phrase, enter a number to find words within that specific distance. "invoice Canada"~10 (finds results where the words 'invoice' and 'Canada' are within 10 words of each other)
Fuzzy Fuzzy searches provide users with the ability to find words similar in spelling to a given term. This modifier is accessed by appending the ~ symbol to the end of a single search term. Rodgers~

Wildcard searches look for words that match the search input with variance in a selected character. Replace a character with * or ? in a single word to return results matching all input besides the Wildcard. The ? looks for a single letter replacement. The * looks for multiple characters.

Wildcard does not function for multiple terms.

To search for beat or best, enter be?t

To search for John, Johns, Johnson, enter John*

To search for rouge or range, enter r*ge.


Wildcards Details Examples
+ Used to indicate a term that MUST be found in the results python AND +snake
- Used to indicate a term that must NOT be found in the results python AND -lizard
&& Synonymous with AND python && snake
|| Synonymous with OR python || lizard
! Synonymous with NOT python && !tree
() Used to group search terms (python AND snake) OR lizard
^ Used to increase the importance of a search term
0-1 will decrease its importance while 1+ will increase it
python^2 AND snake
" Used to create a phrase that will be treated as one word "tree python" AND snake
  • Used for fuzzy and proximity searches
  • A fuzzy search will search for terms within X (default 2) deviations from the specified term
    • ex. snaek~
  • You can specify the number of deviations by adding a number after the tilde
    • ex. snaek~1
  • A proximity search will search for words in a phrase within a proximity of each other using the same syntax as a fuzzy search
"tree python"~3
  • Used as a wildcard to indicate that any combination of zero or more characters can replace it
  • Will cause poor performance, especially with a leading *
? Used as a wildcard to indicate that any single character can replace it sn?ke
[] {}
  • Used to indicate ranges of numbers
  • A square bracket indicates that that side of the range is inclusive
  • A brace indicates that that side of the range is exclusive
 [1 TO 3}
> < >= <= Used to indicate unbounded ranges <=5
/ Wrap regex between two forward slashes to embed it in the search  /sn?ke[a-z]/
\ Used to escape reserved characters so they can be searched on i love snakes\!
: Used to search on a specific field species:snake
% Used a wildcard that replaces zero or more characters. Jo% matches John, Joanne, or Jordan.
_ Used a wildcard that replaces exactly one character  J_m matches Jim, Jam, but not James.
regex patterns Used to search for specific patterns within text, validate input, extract information, and perform various text manipulation tasks.

1. "Tes"* means "Te, followed by any number of 's' characters":

  • "Te": This part of the expression matches the characters "Te" exactly.
  • "*": This quantifier in regex means "zero or more occurrences." So, after "Te," it can match zero or more 's' characters. For instance, it would match "Te", "Tess", "Tesss", and so on.

2. "Tes+" means "Te, followed by at least one 's'":

  • "Te": Matches the characters "Te".
  • "+": This quantifier means "one or more occurrences." It ensures there is at least one 's' character after "Te". It would match "Tess", "Tesss", and so forth, but not just "Te" without any 's'.

3. "Tes.*" means "Tes, followed by any number of characters":

  • "Tes": Matches the characters "Tes".
  • ".*": This combination of dot and asterisk means "any character (except for a newline) zero or more occurrences." It matches "Tes" followed by any sequence of characters including letters, digits, symbols, and spaces.

4. "Tes.+" means "Tes, followed by at least one character":

  • "Tes": Matches the characters "Tes".
  • ".+": Similar to the previous example but with a plus sign, it means "any character one or more occurrences." It matches "Tes" followed by one or more characters, ensuring there is at least one character after "Tes".

Notes: Using a - between words or phrases will be split as if they were deliminated by whitespace.

  • This is because Teamconnect is currently using the standard (default) analyzer.
  • ex. flying-snake
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