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Deploying TeamConnect

This section includes instructions for deploying TeamConnect on each of the supported application servers.

Deployment should always incorporate a full undeployment of the existing TeamConnect instance and a deployment of the new instance. Do not use your application server's update facility. Also, the web server cache should be cleared after the new instance is deployed.

Refer to the procedure for your application server:

Deploying the TeamConnect .war on Apache Tomcat

To set the JVM configuration, refer to Sun JVM or IBM JVM, depending on which JVM your application server is using. Construct a string of JVM arguments with the values recommended in those sections.

To deploy TeamConnect on Apache Tomcat:

  1. Make an adjustment to the file. Remove the hashtags to uncomment the following line: 
    ## appserver.datasourcePrefix=java:comp/env/
  2. On the Tomcat manager web page, in the Deploy section, browse to and select the TeamConnect .war file.
  3. Click Deploy.

    A message appears near the top of the screen, indicating that the application has been deployed.
    In the list of applications (or contexts), in the Running column, the value shown should be true for the TeamConnect application.
    Also, the TeamConnect context root should appear in the Display Name column.
  4. Deploy the TeamConnect online help either on your web server or your application server. TeamConnect should be running and available for login. For details, see Verifying Installation.

Deploying TeamConnect .ear on WebSphere

TeamConnect should be installed by using the WebSphere administrative console and the related WebSphere documentation.

You must first adjust the configuration file for correct database functionality in WebSphere:

  1. For TeamConnect to connect to Data Warehouse, remove the following file from the TeamConnect .war file: 
  2. Make an adjustment to file Extract the TeamConnect .war file from the TeamConnect .ear file, explode the .war file, and locate Remove the hashtags to uncomment the following line: 
    ## appserver.datasourcePrefix=java:comp/env/
  3. Repackage the file into the .war file. Repackage the .war file into the TeamConnect .ear file.
  4. Install the TeamConnect application as WebSphere advises, then configure the application as described below before starting the application.

To set the JVM configuration:

  1. Refer to IBM JVM. Construct a string of JVM arguments with the values recommended in that section.
  2. Set the recommended options using the WebSphere administrative console.

To WebSphere 9.0:

  • Before deploying to WebSphere 9.0, ensure the javax.el-3.0.1-b11.jar file is removed from WEBINF/lib of TCE ear file.
Other Configuration Changes

You must ensure that the class-loading policy used by WebSphere is "parent last". Use WebSphere Console to set this policy for the TeamConnect module that you have deployed.

You can improve the performance of TeamConnect by adding the optional command line argument - Xgcpolicy:optavgpause to the Generic JVM arguments field on the Java Virtual Machine page of the WebSphere Application Server settings. For more details on tuning your Java environment, see your vendor's documentation.

You can include optional JSP engine parameter keepgenerated with value true in your module's configuration. This retains Java files after the translator is finished, which can aid in debugging. Refer to WebSphere documentation for details on this and other details on tuning your Java environment.

SSL and Collaborati Spend Management

If you use the Collaborati Spend Management feature, and your application server or web server uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), you must perform some additional configuration steps on your WebSphere application server.

  1. In the utilities\config\ssl subfolder of your installation media, locate files versign.intermediate.cer and verisignroot.cer. Copy those files to a folder that is accessible to the WebSphere Console.
  2. Use the WebSphere Console to add two new entries to the list of Signer Certificates in the default node truststore. Add each of the files named above, and use data type "Base64-encoded ASCII data".
Restart Required

After performing any of the WebSphere configuration changes described above, you must restart the application server for the changes to take effect.

Deploying TeamConnect .ear on WebLogic

When deploying TeamConnect, you must start and access the administrative console. This involves first starting the WebLogic administrative server, then opening the administrative console. Make sure you know how to do that, as well as how to start and shut down managed servers. If necessary, refer to the WebLogic documentation.

Important: WebLogic is case-sensitive. Use the correct case when you type file names, directory names, or other information.

To set the JVM configuration:

  1. Refer to Sun JVM. Construct a string of JVM arguments with the values recommended in those sections.
  2. Use the administrative console to place those values into WebLogic's options.

To deploy TeamConnect:

  1. Start the WebLogic Server administration console for the domain in which you are working.
  2. Follow WebLogic documentation instructions for deploying a new application.

Optional Recommended Arguments

There are some optional, recommended arguments that can help tune performance. To apply them, append the following arguments to the ones already existing in Managed Server or Node Manager:

-server -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC - Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 - verbose:gc

Most of these advanced Java Virtual Machine arguments relate to garbage collection in memory. For more details on performance tuning your Java environment and garbage collection, see your Sun documentation.

Configuring Web Servers

The WebLogic Server software suite includes a web server, suitable for processing HTTP requests for TeamConnect pages. However, if you would like your users to be able to access TeamConnect through your company's official URL (for example,, you need to set up a plug-in for your company's web server to proxy the appropriate HTTP requests to WebLogic.

Also, if you have set up a cluster of managed servers, you must set up a proxy to route the client requests to the appropriate managed servers. If you do not set up a cluster proxy, you cannot take advantage of the benefits of clustering (load balancing, failover, and so on).

Oracle provides plug-ins for Microsoft IIS, as well as Apache and Sun Java System Web Server, which enable the web server to proxy HTTP requests to WebLogic. Many configuration options for these plug-ins can be found in the WebLogic Server Administration Guide.

Troubleshooting WebLogic Installations

  • (Windows only) If you did not define your WebLogic servers as Windows services when you ran the Domain Configuration Wizard, you can still set them to start at boot time by using the WL_HOME/user_projects/domains/Mitratech/installService.cmd utility.
  • If, when attempting to start the WebLogic server, you encounter a java.lang.OutOfMemory exception, the Java environment does not have enough memory for the WebLogic server.
  • If you are having problems connecting to the TeamConnect database, check the following:
    • Your TeamConnect database must have been fully configured prior to TeamConnect deployment.
    • If you are using an Oracle database, ensure that your Oracle client is installed and properly configured to connect to your database.
    • For Solaris/Linux: ensure that ORACLE_HOME/bin is in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
      environment variable. For more information, see the Oracle documentation.
    • For Windows: ensure that ORACLE_HOME/bin is in your PATH environment variable. For more information, see the Oracle documentation.
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