View Currency Exchange Rate on non-posted Invoices
Create a widget that displays currency exchange rate on non-posted invoices
When creating reports on invoices, the invoice amounts always display in the submitted (original) currency. Normally, the exchange rate field for the invoice is not populated until the invoice gets fully approved and posted. On screen, the user may toggle to view the invoice in original or converted-to-base currency; the system multiplies the original amounts by the current exchange rate for the currency from the Exchange Rate table. However, the actual exchange rate field in the invoice remains empty until post.
This enhancement to the TCBI eCube will populate the current exchange rate into the invoice exchange rate field for non-posted invoices, so that report Admins can calculate base currency values for pending invoices on reports.
Note: When you calculate amounts from Invoice Net Total (or other monetary values in the Invoice tables), they will be summed in the native currency of each invoice. You must therefore perform a calculation to convert all currencies into base so that you can accurately report totals on charts that show aggregated data. To do this, follow the instructions below.
Note: This works on Oracle databases and MS Sequel.
- Log in to your TeamConnect instance and navigate to the Reports tab.
- Create a New widget and click the Select Data button. Then Invoice Number into the search and select that option when it appears.
- Click the Add More Data button, then search and select Invoice Exchange Rate.
These two columns will display all of the non-posted invoices and their exchange rates based on the currency listed in the invoice.
Optional Add-On Information: You can also display the invoice total in the original currency by clicking Add More Data and selecting Total Invoice Original Invoice Total.