UBB code
Ultimate bulletin board code--a variation of HTML formatting tags that allows you to add functionality and styles to your messages.
Unique Code
A unique code that identifies a system or custom Object in the TeamConnect database. It consists of a 4-character, alphanumeric combination, and its letters must be capitalized. System objects have predefined unique codes, whereas custom objects must have unique codes defined when first created.
Phases have 4-character, alphanumeric combination assigned to them too, which are also knows as unique codes.
Unique ID
Identifies an individual custom object record. You must set unique IDs in the object definition of each custom object. For example, you can set the records to be automatically numbered by the system, or to be given a unique id based on a pattern of Attributes that are selected in the record.
Do not confuse the Unique ID for Custom Object records with the Unique Code of the Custom Object. Also, do not confuse it with naming patterns for Custom Object records.
Unique Key
A text string used to localize reports and translate the report prompts and labels. For more information, click here.
Persons who have access to TeamConnect. Unlike Contacts, each user has his or her own username and password, which is recorded in his or her user account (accessible only by the Administrator). Users have Rights assigned to them according to their roles within the organization, which allow them to use the appropriate areas of TeamConnect.
Unlike contacts, users can be assigned to tasks and matters and can be attendees of appointments.
User Interface
The graphical representation of TeamConnect on the computer screen, where the user can click buttons and hyperlinks, make selections from drop-down lists, enter text into fields, and so on. It is also referred to as the graphic user interface or GUI. The end-user interface in TeamConnect includes all available TeamConnect features, because end users do not typically have access to items in the Admin tab.
Users Block
A section listing users who are assigned to a project or task.