Batch Screen
A type of tab or section in a tab of a record screen where certain multiple data items of the Record can be entered and viewed as a single list, all in one screen. In the object model, items added to a record with batch screens are considered Sub-objects, and are usually represented by J-tables.
An example of a batch screen in the administrative user interface can be the Custom Fields tab in object definitions.
Bi-Directional Sync
A process in which data is updated in both directions between TeamConnect and O365 Add-in.
Billable Tasks
Tasks that have a financial cost and therefore can be posted against (debited from) accounts, for example, buying a new computer is a task that has a specified cost and needs to be posted against an account. Alternatively, a task such as calling a meeting has no cost and is considered non-billable.
Billable tasks can be tracked by their rates on an hourly basis. All billable tasks can be posted against certain accounts according to the posting criteria you set for each individual account.
A group of system and/or custom fields included into a single file, XML (for custom blocks) or JSP (for system blocks). In the end-user interface, each block is typically displayed as a separate tab or a section on the record screen.
TeamConnect Object Views provided by Mitratech consist of system blocks, such as General, Categories, Workflow, Assignees, Attendees, and so on. You can also create your own Custom Blocks using Custom Fields.
Budget is a type of Account that represents a certain amount of money set aside by the organization or its individual departments to do business for a specific period of time, such as the fiscal year.
Budget Request
A request sent from TeamConnect to Collaborati asking the vendor to submit a budget for a matter.Bulk Adjust
"Bulk Adjust" refers to the process of making changes to multiple items or entries at once, instead of adjusting each individually.
Business Objects
Representations of the nature and behavior of real world things or concepts in terms that are meaningful to the business. Customers, products, orders, employees, trades, invoices, payments, appointments, accounts, shipping containers and vehicles are all examples of real-world concepts or things that could be represented by Business Objects.
There are System Objects and Custom Objects in TeamConnect.