April 2016 - Invoice Routing Workflow and Smart Invoice Standard Rules
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned if an Invoice that I need to approve has the word “Disbursement” in the line item description.
- Triggers when an Invoice is imported or saved to eCounsel, and checks the Line Item Comments for the word “Disbursement”. eCounsel, and checks the Line Item Comments for the word “Disbursement”.
- If the word “Disbursement” is found, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line item [#] is Disbursement Type.”eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line item [#] is Disbursement Type.”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when an Invoice is submitted that has a Service Begin Date and a Service End Date that exceeds a set number of days that I can configure in the rule.
- Triggers when a LEDES file is imported or saved to eCounsel, and checks if the number of days between Invoice Service Start Date and Service End Date in the LEDES file exceeds the number of days in the rule parameter.eCounsel, and checks if the number of days between Invoice Service Start Date and Service End Date in the LEDES file exceeds the number of days in the rule parameter.
- If the number of days exceeds the rule parameter, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the invoice: "The time between Service Start and Service End exceeds XX days."eCounsel and adds the following message to the invoice: "The time between Service Start and Service End exceeds XX days."
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when there is more than one Fee line item on an invoice for the same Timekeeper on the same day so that I can check to see if the line items are duplicated.
- Triggers when an invoice is imported into eCounsel and checks each Fee line item on an imported invoice to look for the same timekeeper with more than one line item on the same day per matter. eCounsel and checks each Fee line item on an imported invoice to look for the same timekeeper with more than one line item on the same day per matter.
- If the Timekeeper field or Line Item Date field in the LEDES file is null, then the line item will not be checked for a duplicate.
- If task based billing is used, the rule will look for the same timekeeper on the same day per matter using the same task code. If the Line Item Task Code is empty, then the line item will not be checked for a duplicate.
- If more than one line item for the same timekeeper on the same day is found, a message will display on the second and subsequent line items.
- If more than one line item for the same timekeeper on the same day is found, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the invoice: “This line item may be a duplicate”.eCounsel and adds the following message to the invoice: “This line item may be a duplicate”.
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when an Invoice’s Line Item has an expense code with a number of units that exceeds the maximum number units for that expense code.
- The expense code and maximum number of units are configurable in the rule.
- The rule can be installed multiple times – once for each individual Expense Code (e.g., E105-Telephone and E109-Local Travel).
- Triggers when an Invoice in a LEDES file is submitted to eCounsel and compares each Expense Code from the LEDES Expense line item to an Expense Code in eCounsel. eCounsel and compares each Expense Code from the LEDES Expense line item to an Expense Code in eCounsel.
- If there is a match found on the first four characters of the eCounsel Expense Code, it checks to make sure that the Hours/Units in the LEDES Line Item does not exceed the maximum allowed amount set in the rule’s parameter. eCounsel Expense Code, it checks to make sure that the Hours/Units in the LEDES Line Item does not exceed the maximum allowed amount set in the rule’s parameter.
- If the LEDES Line Item Hours/Units exceeds the value in the rule parameter, and a matching expense code was found in eCounsel, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTIONeCounsel, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the invoice: “Line Item [#] contains a charge for expense code E### that is greater than XX unit(s).eCounsel and adds the following message to the invoice: “Line Item [#] contains a charge for expense code E### that is greater than XX unit(s).
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when an Expense Line Item has as expense code that does not match any expense code in eCounsel.eCounsel.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks each Expense line item’s Expense Code to find a match with an eCounsel Expense Code. Null or empty expense codes in the LEDES file are not validated by this rule. eCounsel, and checks each Expense line item’s Expense Code to find a match with an eCounsel Expense Code. Null or empty expense codes in the LEDES file are not validated by this rule.
- This version of the rule will allow import of Expense Codes that contain the letter E and AT LEAST three numbers (e.g., E105, E105A) and the code exists in the Expense Code Lookup list. However, it will not allow values like EVAT or E1, even if they exist in the Expense Codes Lookup List
- If a LEDES Expense line item’s Expense Code is not matched with an existing expense code in eCounsel, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTIONeCounsel, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the invoice: “Line Item Expense_CD of E### from the LEDES file failed to import because value is invalid.”eCounsel and adds the following message to the invoice: “Line Item Expense_CD of E### from the LEDES file failed to import because value is invalid.”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when an Expense Line Item has as expense code that does not match any expense code in eCounsel.eCounsel.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks each Expense line item’s Expense Code to find a match with an eCounsel Expense Code. Null or empty expense codes in the LEDES file are not validated by this rule. eCounsel, and checks each Expense line item’s Expense Code to find a match with an eCounsel Expense Code. Null or empty expense codes in the LEDES file are not validated by this rule.
- This version of the rule will allow import of ANY Expense Code, including EVAT or E1, as long as it exists in the Expense Codes Lookup list.
- If a LEDES Expense line item’s Expense Code is not matched with an existing expense code in eCounsel, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTIONeCounsel, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the invoice: “Line Item Expense_CD of E### from the LEDES file failed to import because value is invalid.”eCounsel and adds the following message to the invoice: “Line Item Expense_CD of E### from the LEDES file failed to import because value is invalid.”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when an Expense Line Item for a specific expense code has a rate that exceeds a given rate. The expense code and the maximum rate are configurable in the rule.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks each Expense Line Item’s Expense Code to find a match with the rule parameter and if found, then checks the Expense Line Item’s Rate with the rule parameter.eCounsel, and checks each Expense Line Item’s Expense Code to find a match with the rule parameter and if found, then checks the Expense Line Item’s Rate with the rule parameter.
- If an Expense Line Item’s Expense Code matches the rule parameter and the Line Item’s Rate is GREATER than the value in the rule parameter, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the invoice: “Line Item Expense Code E### exceeds the allowed rate.”eCounsel and adds the following message to the invoice: “Line Item Expense Code E### exceeds the allowed rate.”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when an invoice total is less than a given amount. The minimum total invoice amount is configurable in the rule.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks that the invoice total amount in the LEDES file is GREATER than the amount in the rule parameter.eCounsel, and checks that the invoice total amount in the LEDES file is GREATER than the amount in the rule parameter.
- If the currency of the LEDES file is not the same as the Base Currency configured in Suite, this rule validation will be skipped.
- If the invoice total amount in the LEDES file is LESS than the value in the rule parameter, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the invoice: “Invoice total is less than the specified minimum of XXX.” eCounsel and adds the following message to the invoice: “Invoice total is less than the specified minimum of XXX.”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when an Invoice has a LEDES Invoice Date that is a given number of days BEFORE the current date. These invoices should be considered “Expired”.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks that the Invoice Date in the LEDES file is LESS than X number of days before the date of the invoice submission to eCounsel (the current date). The number of days before Invoice Date Expiration is configurable in the rule.eCounsel, and checks that the Invoice Date in the LEDES file is LESS than X number of days before the date of the invoice submission to eCounsel (the current date). The number of days before Invoice Date Expiration is configurable in the rule.
- If the Invoice Date in the LEDES file is GREATER than X number of days value in the rule parameter, before the date the invoice was submitted to eCounsel, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTIONeCounsel, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “The Invoice date violates the XX day expiration Invoice Audit constraint.”eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “The Invoice date violates the XX day expiration Invoice Audit constraint.”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when an Invoice Line Item Description in the LEDES file is empty.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks that the Invoice Line Item Description in the LEDES file is not null or empty. The Rejection/Warning Message for this condition is configurable in the rule.eCounsel, and checks that the Invoice Line Item Description in the LEDES file is not null or empty. The Rejection/Warning Message for this condition is configurable in the rule.
- If the Invoice Line Item Description in the LEDES file is null or empty, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the message from the rule’s “Rejection/Warning Message” parameter. Sample: “This invoice line item does not contain a description.”eCounsel and adds the message from the rule’s “Rejection/Warning Message” parameter. Sample: “This invoice line item does not contain a description.”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when an Invoice Description in the LEDES file does not contain a description or the description is empty.
- Triggers when an Invoice in a LEDES file is submitted to eCounsel, and checks that the Invoice Description in the LEDES file is not null or empty.eCounsel, and checks that the Invoice Description in the LEDES file is not null or empty.
- If the Invoice Description in the LEDES file is null or an empty string, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the message from the rule’s “Rejection/Warning Message” parameter. Sample: “This invoice does not contain a description.eCounsel and adds the message from the rule’s “Rejection/Warning Message” parameter. Sample: “This invoice does not contain a description.
- As an Invoice Approver, I need the LEDES file math checked for correctness. Specifically Units * Rate + Discount Amount must equal Adjusted Billed Amount on each invoice line item.
- For Expense or Fee line items, the rule calculates the line item as follows: Units * Rate + Discount = Line Item Total. If the calculations don’t equal, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the message: "Calculation Issue: Units * Rate + Discount does not equal Line Item Adjusted Billed Amount Pretax”eCounsel and adds the message: "Calculation Issue: Units * Rate + Discount does not equal Line Item Adjusted Billed Amount Pretax”
- Invoice line item “Discount Items” will have no Line Item Calculation validation performed on them.
- Qualifying invoice line items missing line item calculation information, such as “Units”, “Rate”, or “Adjusted Pre-tax (Billed) Native Amount” should either be Warned or Rejected.
- As an Invoice Approver, I need the LEDES file math checked for correctness.
- For Expense or Fee line items, the rule calculates the line item as follows: ((Units * Rate) + Discount) * Tax Rate + = Line Item Tax Total
- If the calculations don’t equal, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the message: "Calculation Issue: The invoice Tax Native Amount does not equal the sum of the invoice line items Tax Native Amount.”eCounsel and adds the message: "Calculation Issue: The invoice Tax Native Amount does not equal the sum of the invoice line items Tax Native Amount.”
- Invoice line item “Discount Items” will have no Line Item Calculation validation performed on them.
- Qualifying invoice line items missing line item calculation information, such as “Units”, “Rate”, or “Adjusted Pre-tax (Billed) Native Amount” should either be Warned or Rejected.
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when an Invoice has an Invoice Line Item Date that is “X” number of days BEFORE the LEDES file Invoice Date.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks that the Invoice Line Item Date is less than X number of days before the Invoice Date. The number of days is configurable in the rule parameter.eCounsel, and checks that the Invoice Line Item Date is less than X number of days before the Invoice Date. The number of days is configurable in the rule parameter.
- If the Line Item Date is X number of days (the value in the rule parameter name Number of days before Invoice Date Expiration") before the Invoice Date, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the message: “Line Item X contains a Date that is greater than XX days prior to the Invoice Date.eCounsel and adds the message: “Line Item X contains a Date that is greater than XX days prior to the Invoice Date.
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when an Invoice has an Invoice Line Item Date that is a given number of days BEFORE the LEDES file submission date (the current date).
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks that the Invoice Line Item Date in the LEDES file is less than X number of days before the LEDES file submission date (the current date). The number of days before Invoice Line Item Date Expiration (X) is configurable in the rule parameter eCounsel, and checks that the Invoice Line Item Date in the LEDES file is less than X number of days before the LEDES file submission date (the current date). The number of days before Invoice Line Item Date Expiration (X) is configurable in the rule parameter
- If the Invoice Date in the LEDES file is more than X number of days before the LEDES file submission date (the current date), the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “This Line item date violates the XX day expiration Invoice Audit constraint.”eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “This Line item date violates the XX day expiration Invoice Audit constraint.”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when an Invoice has an Invoice Line Item Date that is before the Invoice Service Start Date or after the Invoice Service End Date.
- Triggers when an Invoice in a LEDES file is submitted to eCounsel and checks that the Invoice Line Item Date is less than the Invoice Service Start Date or after the Invoice Service End Date.eCounsel and checks that the Invoice Line Item Date is less than the Invoice Service Start Date or after the Invoice Service End Date.
- If the Invoice Line Item Date is before the Service Start date or after the Service End Date, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line item X contains a Date that is outside the Service Date for this invoice.”eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line item X contains a Date that is outside the Service Date for this invoice.”
- No validation occurs if the Line Item Amount is null; Line Item Cost Type is null or empty; Line Item is a discount line item; Line Item Date is null.
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned if a Line Item Description contains a given key word. The key word to look for should be configurable using a rule parameter.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks the Line Item Description to see if it contains the same word configured in the rule parameter. The comparison should be case insensitive.eCounsel, and checks the Line Item Description to see if it contains the same word configured in the rule parameter. The comparison should be case insensitive.
- If the word in the rule parameter is found in the Line Item Description, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line item X Line Item Description contains [parameter value].”eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line item X Line Item Description contains [parameter value].”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned if a Line Item Description contains certain key words.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks the LEDES Line Item Description for any words that are configured in the file to which the rule parameter points. The comparison should be case insensitive.eCounsel, and checks the LEDES Line Item Description for any words that are configured in the file to which the rule parameter points. The comparison should be case insensitive.
- If any word in the configuration file is found, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line item X Description contains the following key word(s): XXXXXXXX.eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line item X Description contains the following key word(s): XXXXXXXX.
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned if a Fee Line Item has Hours or Units that do not contain hours in tenths increments.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks all Fee Line Items for Hours or Units that contain hours that are not in tenths increments. eCounsel, and checks all Fee Line Items for Hours or Units that contain hours that are not in tenths increments.
- If a LEDES Fee Line Item has Hours or Units that are not incremented in tenths, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line item X contains hours that are not in tenths increments.” eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line item X contains hours that are not in tenths increments.”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned if a Fee Line Item does not contain a Timekeeper that is populated in eCounsel.eCounsel.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks all Fee Line Items that have a Line Item Original Amount greater than 0 for a valid Timekeeper in eCounsel. eCounsel, and checks all Fee Line Items that have a Line Item Original Amount greater than 0 for a valid Timekeeper in eCounsel.
- If a Fee Line Item does not contain a valid Timekeeper, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line item X does not contain a Timekeeper”.eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line item X does not contain a Timekeeper”.
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when an Expense Line Item with a given expense code also has a Line Item Amount which exceeds a given amount.
- Triggers when an Invoice submitted to eCounsel, and matches each Expense line item’s expense code with the value in the rule parameter. For each match, check that the Line Item amount is less than the maximum amount allowed as set in the rule parameter. Matching of the expense codes should be case insensitive.eCounsel, and matches each Expense line item’s expense code with the value in the rule parameter. For each match, check that the Line Item amount is less than the maximum amount allowed as set in the rule parameter. Matching of the expense codes should be case insensitive.
- If an Expense line item’s expense code is matched and the LEDES Line Item Amount exceeds the value in the rule parameter, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Expense code E### amount of 75.00 exceeds the allowed amount of 50.00.”eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Expense code E### amount of 75.00 exceeds the allowed amount of 50.00.”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when a Line Item has a Rate that exceeds a set amount.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and compares each Line Item Rate with the value in the rule parameter. If the Line Item Rate is null or empty no further validation is made.eCounsel, and compares each Line Item Rate with the value in the rule parameter. If the Line Item Rate is null or empty no further validation is made.
- If a LEDES Line Item Rate exceeds the value in the rule parameter, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “The rate XX exceeds the allowed rate of XX.”eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “The rate XX exceeds the allowed rate of XX.”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when an invoice has an empty or null Billing End Date.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks each invoice for an empty or null Billing End Date. eCounsel, and checks each invoice for an empty or null Billing End Date.
- If an empty or null Billing End Date is found, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: "Invoice Billing End Date is Null." eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: "Invoice Billing End Date is Null."
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when an Invoice file has an empty or null Billing Start Date.
- Triggers when an Invoice in a LEDES file is submitted to eCounsel, and checks each invoice for an empty or null Billing Start Date. eCounsel, and checks each invoice for an empty or null Billing Start Date.
- If an empty or null Billing Start Date is found, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: "Invoice Billing Start Date is Null." eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: "Invoice Billing Start Date is Null."
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned if there are multiple fee line items in a LEDES file for a given task submitted by different Timekeepers on the same date for the same matter.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks each Fee line for a valid Timekeeper, Line Item Date, and which has comments that contain any of the following words: “Meeting”, “Deposition”, “Hearing”, or “Attend”. eCounsel, and checks each Fee line for a valid Timekeeper, Line Item Date, and which has comments that contain any of the following words: “Meeting”, “Deposition”, “Hearing”, or “Attend”.
- If there is more than one line item contains any of those four words in the Line Item Description and have the same Line Item Date and the same Matter, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: "More than one timekeeper is attending a meeting on this day."eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: "More than one timekeeper is attending a meeting on this day."
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned if the Invoice is tied to more than one matter.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and counts the number of matters for each invoice. eCounsel, and counts the number of matters for each invoice.
- If there is more than one matter for an invoice, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “There are X matters on this invoice #####.”eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “There are X matters on this invoice #####.”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when an Expense Line Item has an empty expense code for non-discount line items.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks each Expense line item’s expense code. eCounsel, and checks each Expense line item’s expense code.
- If the expense code is null or empty and the line item is not a discount, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line Item X is missing an Expense Code”eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line Item X is missing an Expense Code”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when a LEDES Fee Line Item has as empty or invalid expense code for non-discount line items.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks each Fee line item’s task code. eCounsel, and checks each Fee line item’s task code.
- If the task code is null or empty, and the line item is not a discount (see notes below), the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line Item X Fee has a missing or invalid Task Code.”eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line Item X Fee has a missing or invalid Task Code.”
- Users have requested an Invoice Audit Rule that compares Timekeeper rates FIRST at the Player level. If the Timekeeper has no Player record or their Player record Rate field is null or zero, THEN the rate comparison is done at the employment level. To add more flexibility to the rule, parameters have been added that will allow the client to do the rate comparison based on:
- The rate in the LEDES file being GREATER THAN or EQUAL TO the rate in eCounseleCounsel
- Specific Matter Types
- Always starting with the player record or always starting with the active employment record
- Specifying certain Billing Methods to exclude from the rate comparison to accommodate Alternative Fee Arrangements.
- The client is also using the Mandatory Timekeeper and Timekeeper Employment Validation IARs
- If the rate comparison starts at the Player level and the Timekeeper has no player record, the rule will automatically use one of the Timekeeper’s Employment records to do the rate comparison.
- If the rate comparison starts at the Player level and the rate field is null or zero the rule will automatically use one of the Timekeeper’s Employment records to do the rate comparison.
- When specifying ‘Billing Methods to Exclude’, the rate comparison must always start with the Player record.
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when a LEDES file is submitted with an Invoice that has either a Service Start Date or Service End Date that is greater than the submission current date.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks if Invoice’s Service Start Date or Service End Date is greater than the current date. eCounsel, and checks if Invoice’s Service Start Date or Service End Date is greater than the current date.
- If the Service Start Date or Service End Date is greater than the current date, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: "The Service Start Date is greater than the submission date." Or “The Service End Date is greater than the submission date.”eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: "The Service Start Date is greater than the submission date." Or “The Service End Date is greater than the submission date.”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when an Invoice Expense Line Item has an expense code that matches an expense code that I configure in the rule.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks each Expense line item’s expense code to find a match with the value in the configurable rule parameter.eCounsel, and checks each Expense line item’s expense code to find a match with the value in the configurable rule parameter.
- The rule can be installed multiple times – once for each individual Expense Code (e.g., E105-Telephone and E109-Local Travel).
- If a LEDES Expense line item’s expense code is matched with the value in the configurable rule parameter, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line Item X is of Expense Type E###.” eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line Item X is of Expense Type E###.”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want the math in an Invoice’s LEDES file checked for correctness. Specifically I want to make sure that the sum of LEDES Invoice Line Item Adjusted Pre-tax (Billed) Native Amount is equal to the LEDES Invoice Adjusted Pre-tax (Billed) Native Amount.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted in eCounsel and compares the sum of the LEDES line items’ “Adjusted Pre-tax Native Amount” with the LEDES Invoice Level amount “Invoice Pre-tax Native Amount”. eCounsel and compares the sum of the LEDES line items’ “Adjusted Pre-tax Native Amount” with the LEDES Invoice Level amount “Invoice Pre-tax Native Amount”.
- If the amounts are not equal, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: ““Calculation Issue: The invoice Adjusted Billed Amount Pretax does not equal the sum of the invoice line items Adjusted Billed Amount Pretax.”eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: ““Calculation Issue: The invoice Adjusted Billed Amount Pretax does not equal the sum of the invoice line items Adjusted Billed Amount Pretax.”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want the math in an Invoice’s LEDES file checked for correctness. Specifically I want to make sure that the sum of LEDES Invoice Line Item Adjusted Pre-tax (Billed) Native Amount is equal to the LEDES Invoice Adjusted Pre-tax (Billed) Native Amount.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted in eCounsel and Compare the sum of the line items’ “Tax Total” with the Invoice Level amount “Tax Native Amount”. eCounsel and Compare the sum of the line items’ “Tax Total” with the Invoice Level amount “Tax Native Amount”.
- If the amounts are not equal, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: "Calculation Issue: The invoice Tax Native Amount does not equal the sum of the invoice line items Tax Native Amount.eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: "Calculation Issue: The invoice Tax Native Amount does not equal the sum of the invoice line items Tax Native Amount.
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when a Fee Line Item has as Phase/Task code that does not match any Phase/Task code in eCounsel.eCounsel.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks each Fee line item’s Phase/Task code to find a match with an eCounsel Phase/Task code. Null or empty Phase/Task codes in the LEDES file are not validated.eCounsel, and checks each Fee line item’s Phase/Task code to find a match with an eCounsel Phase/Task code. Null or empty Phase/Task codes in the LEDES file are not validated.
- If a Fee line item’s Phase/Task code is not matched with an existing Task code in eCounsel the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTIONeCounsel the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message: “Line Item X: Line Item Task Code of XXXX from the LEDES file failed to import because value is invalid.”eCounsel and adds the following message: “Line Item X: Line Item Task Code of XXXX from the LEDES file failed to import because value is invalid.”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when an Invoice Timekeeper is not found as a valid eCounsel Entity/Vendor Employment record on all non-discount Fee Line Items. eCounsel Entity/Vendor Employment record on all non-discount Fee Line Items.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and checks all fee line items that have the following required items:eCounsel, and checks all fee line items that have the following required items:
- A Timekeeper that exists in eCounseleCounsel
- A Law Firm that exists in eCounseleCounsel
- The Line Item Adjusted Pre-tax (Billed) Native Amount greater than zero.
- If all preceding requirements are met, validate the eCounsel Entity/Vendor Employment record’s End Date is either null or in the future. If the eCounsel Entity/Vendor Employment record does not meet this requirement, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTIONeCounsel Entity/Vendor Employment record’s End Date is either null or in the future. If the eCounsel Entity/Vendor Employment record does not meet this requirement, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line Item X: The Timekeeper, TKID#, from the LEDES file for this Line Item does not contain a valid employment record for the invoice Vendor.”eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line Item X: The Timekeeper, TKID#, from the LEDES file for this Line Item does not contain a valid employment record for the invoice Vendor.”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when a Timekeeper bills for more than the maximum number of allowable hours in a day across all invoices in a LEDES file.
- Triggers when an Invoice is submitted to eCounsel, and sums all of the hours per Timekeeper per date. If the sum of the hours exceeds the amount in the configurable rule parameter, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTIONeCounsel, and sums all of the hours per Timekeeper per date. If the sum of the hours exceeds the amount in the configurable rule parameter, the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “This timekeeper is billing for more than the maximum hours of X. [Date: MM/DD/YYYY, Billed Hours: X].” eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “This timekeeper is billing for more than the maximum hours of X. [Date: MM/DD/YYYY, Billed Hours: X].”
- As an Invoice Approver, I want to be warned when there are Fee Line items that do not have a Timekeeper that is a Player on the invoice’s matter.
- Triggers when an Invoice in a LEDES file is submitted to eCounsel, and checks all fee line items that have a valid Timekeeper eCounsel, and checks all fee line items that have a valid Timekeeper
- If the Timekeeper was not found and the Invoice’s Adjusted Pre-tax (Billed) Native Amount is greater than 0 (not a Discount line item), the rule will act based on encryption level of WARNING or REJECTION
- WARNING: Allows the invoice to be imported/saved to eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line Item X does not contain a valid player (Value in Ledes: TKID#).eCounsel and adds the following message to the line item: “Line Item X does not contain a valid player (Value in Ledes: TKID#).
- Triggers on Invoice Insert and Invoice Update where the Currency Type field has changed.
- Sets a “preferred” currency code on all invoices received from a particular vendor. This should be optional for particular vendors.
- Sets the currency conversion rate based on a csv file which contains the currency type and rates.
- Once the conversion rate is set, the Adjusted Invoice Amount, Matter Invoice Amount, and each Line Item Amount will be recalculated based on the new conversion rate. This is done as part of the standard system
- When currency rate or currency code cannot be set or are invalid, an email will be sent to an administrative type person.
- The “administrative type person’s” email address, the path location of the csv file is are configurable parameters and can be easily updated if they change.
- When a matter is closed I want to allow invoices for a specified number of days after the matter is closed.
- Triggers on invoice import or manual entry of an invoice and will reject an imported invoice or prevent a user from saving a manually entered invoice that is non-compliant.
- One or more Matter Types can be excluded from the validation.
- One or more Matter Statuses can be included in the validation.
- Client must specify the number of days to be added to the Matter Close Date to determine if the Invoice Date meets the requirement.
- Client may enter their own rejection message.
- Any matter on the invoice that fails validation will cause the entire invoice to be rejected.
- If one of the Matter Statuses specified is found and the matter does not have a Close Date, the rule will do nothing.
- If the Invoice Date is null/blank the rule will do nothing.
- The basic premise of our rule is that it will FIRST route to the person assigned to the matter and then to his/her supervisor based on the amount of authority vs. the adjusted invoice amount.
- All approval chains are located in a configuration file
- All parameters are located in a properties file
- The body of all emails are located in text files.
- Triggers on Invoice Matter create or invoice import or when an invoice is approved.
- Checks the Matter for an Approver. Only one Matter Player Approver record per Matter should be created.
- If an Approver on the Matter does not exist, the rule will place the invoice in “On Hold” status and will send an email notification with the reason to the email address designated in the properties file.
- If an Approver is found on the Matter, the rule looks to the configuration file for the Initial Approver to add to the invoice.
- If the Approver exists on the Matter, but does not exist in the configuration file, the rule will place the invoice in “On Hold” status and will send an email notification with the reason to the email address designated in the properties file.
- If a Pre-Approver exists in the authority chain, that person will be added to the invoice first. If no Pre-Approver exists, the Approver on the Matter will be added to the invoice first.
- When the approver approves the invoice, the rule looks back to the configuration file to verify the approval authority.
- If the authority is sufficient to cover the invoice amount, the invoice is posted. If not, then the invoice is routed to the Approver’s Supervisor.
- The process repeats until the Approval Authority is met and the invoice is posted.
- Designed to electronically import invoice files from Corridor and can be scheduled to run at a specified time.
- Also Updates Corridor Invoice Status with the status of the invoice in eCounseleCounsel
- If invoices are deleted in eCounsel, the task is unable to update Corridor and will error out.eCounsel, the task is unable to update Corridor and will error out.
- Designed to drive the eCounsel Invoice workflow and can be scheduled to run at a specified time.eCounsel Invoice workflow and can be scheduled to run at a specified time.
- Populates the ‘Received Date’ field for each invoice approver based upon the Approval Routing Order.
- Places a link to the invoice on the users’ ‘Invoices Awaiting My Approval’ widget on the Home Page.
- Times out Approvers who have had an invoice awaiting their approval for longer than a specified timeframe by populating the ‘Timed Out’ field for an Approver based upon the Approvers ‘Received Date’; and then moves the invoice on to the next approver.
- Designed to send an email to all invoice Approvers notifying them of all invoices awaiting their approval; and can be scheduled to run at a specified time.
- The email is sent based upon the ‘Received Date’ of the approver
- The email will include a link to each individual invoice for approval, as well as a link to the “Invoices Awaiting My Approval” page for batch approval of all invoices at once.
- An invoice will continue to show up on the email until the invoice is approved or the approver has been ‘timed out’.
- Designed to send an email to all invoice Approvers notifying them of all invoices awaiting their approval; and can be scheduled to run at a specified time.
- The email is sent based upon the ‘Received Date’ of the approver
- The email will include a link to each individual invoice for approval, as well as a link to the “Invoices Awaiting My Approval” page for batch approval of all invoices at once.
- An invoice will continue to show up on the email until the invoice is approved or the approver has been ‘timed out’
- This task is designed to export ALL invoice information for invoices with a status of ‘Posted’ in an .XML format to a specified directory to be imported by a client’s third party accounts payable system.
- This task also imports invoice payment information in a specific .XML format from a client’s third party accounts payable system
- As an eCounsel user, I want to prevent an Invoice Approval from being approved if any of the following conditions are met. eCounsel user, I want to prevent an Invoice Approval from being approved if any of the following conditions are met.
- Triggers when an Invoice Approval record is inserted or updated, and being approved and checks the following:
- If the approver does not have an associated person record, prevents the record from being saved with the error: “You are not authorized to approve this invoice. Your user account is not associated with a person record in the database.”
- If the Invoice Approval does not have an approver, prevents the record from being saved with the error: “You are not authorized to approve this invoice. This Invoice Approval record does not have an approver associated with it.”
- If the user who is approving is not the same person as the approver, prevents the record from being saved with the error: “You are not authorized to approve this invoice.”
- As an Invoice Administrator, I want to be warned when an Invoice that is being newly created is a duplicate of an invoice already in eCounsel. The checks that are done to determine if a newly created invoice is a duplicate are configurable in a configuration file called InvoiceDuplicatesValidation.cfg and also via a list of UserField UserfieldProfile Id’s on an invoice’s Base Info page. eCounsel. The checks that are done to determine if a newly created invoice is a duplicate are configurable in a configuration file called InvoiceDuplicatesValidation.cfg and also via a list of UserField UserfieldProfile Id’s on an invoice’s Base Info page.
- Triggers when a new invoice is added to eCounsel, either through manual entry or a LEDES file submission, and checks the InvoiceDuplicatesValidation.cfg for the criteria to determine if the new invoice is a duplicate of an invoice already in eCounsel. eCounsel, either through manual entry or a LEDES file submission, and checks the InvoiceDuplicatesValidation.cfg for the criteria to determine if the new invoice is a duplicate of an invoice already in eCounsel.
- If a Duplicate Invoice is found, prevents the record from being saved with the message: This invoice is considered a match for invoice #XXXXXXXX.
- As an eCounsel user, I want to prevent an Invoice from being posted if any of the following conditions are met. Triggers when an invoice is posted.eCounsel user, I want to prevent an Invoice from being posted if any of the following conditions are met. Triggers when an invoice is posted.
- If the Invoice Approval has not been approved, prevents record from saving with the error: "Invoice is NOT fully approved."
- If the Invoice Approval amount exceeds the related Matter Player’s approval amount, prevents record from saving with the error: “No approver has sufficient authority to approve the invoice.”
- If the Invoice Approval amount exceeds the related primary Company-Person’s (Employment) approval amount, prevents the record from being saved with the error: “No approver sufficient authority to approve the invoice.”
- If the Invoice approval does not match any of the Invoice’s Matter Player or Company-Person (Employment), prevents the record from being saved with the error: “One or more approvers' limits could not be verified because approver is not a player for the matter and/or the approver's primary employment record could not be found.”
- If the Invoice Approval does not have an approver, prevents the record from being saved with the error: One or more approvers' limits could not be verified because approver is not a player for the matter and/or the approver's primary employment record could not be found.”
- If an Invoice does not have any Invoice Approvals, prevents the record from being saved with the following error: “There are no approvers on the approval list.” NOTE: If the rule parameter “No approvers specified means that there are none required.” is set to “T” or “true” this check can be skipped.