HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 3-4
HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 3
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
ent_ecuserfields_description |
Any description (such as Comment Field or Lookup Field) entered for a user field in the Entities module. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Description |
ent_ecuserfields_multiselect |
If a user field is a multi-select field, the value selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldProfile_ID |
ent_ecuserfields_selectentity |
If a user field is a Select – Entity field, the entity selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/EntityField_EID |
ent_ecuserfields_selectmatter |
If a user field is a Select – Matter field, the matter selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/MatterField_ID |
ent_ecuserfields_selectperson |
If a user field is a Select – Person field, the person selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/EntityField_EID |
ent_ecuserfields_tabid |
The identifier of the tab in the Entities module for which you want to retrieve user fields. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Tab_ID |
ent_ecuserfields_userfieldprofileid |
The identifier of the user field in the Entities module for which you want to retrieve user field values. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldProfile_ID |
ent_ecuserfields_userfieldvalue |
The value entered for a user field in the Entities module. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldValue |
ent_emp_employee |
The name of an employee of a company or court. |
Enities/Employees/Person |
Entitiy/Name |
ent_emp_jobclassification |
The type of job performed by a person for a company or court. |
Entities/Employees/Job Classification |
Company_Person/JobClassification_CD Court_Person/JobClassification_CD |
ent_emp_status |
The status (Active or Inactive) of the person’s employment with the company or court. |
Entities/Employees/Status |
Company_Person/Status Court_Person/Status |
ent_emp_title |
The job title of the person. |
Entities/Employees/Title |
Compnay_Person/Title Court_Person/Title |
ent_inspolicy_agent |
The name of the insurance representative associated with a policy for an entity. |
Entities/Insurance/Agent |
InsurancePolicy/Agent |
ent_inspolicy_broker |
The name of the insurance broker associated with a policy. |
Entities/Insurance/Broker |
InsurancePolicy/Broker |
ent_inspolicy_comments |
Any additional information concerning an insurance policy held by an entity. |
Entities/Insurance/Comments |
InsurancePolicy/Comments_ID |
ent_inspolicy_currency |
The type of currency used for the insurance policy billing (if not in the base currency type selected by the eCounsel customer). |
Entities/Insurance/Currency Type |
InsurancePolicy/Currency_CD |
ent_inspolicy_deductible |
The amount paid by the entity in the event of a claim on an insurance policy. |
Entities/Insurance/Deductible |
InsurancePolicy/Deductible |
ent_inspolicy_deductibleforeign |
The amount, expressed in selected currency type, paid by the entity in the event of a claim on an insurance policy. |
Entities/Insurance/Deductible Foreign |
InsurancePolicy/DeductibleForeign |
ent_inspolicy_limits |
The limits on an insurance policy helld by an entity. |
Entities/Insurance/Limits |
InsurancePolicy/Limits |
ent_inspolicy_limitsforeign |
The limits, expressed in selected currency type, on an insurance policy. |
Entities/Insurance/Limits Foreign |
InsurancePolicy/LimitsForeign |
ent_inspolicy_policyeffectivedate |
The date from which the policy will be in effect for an entity. |
Entities/Insurance/Effective Date |
InsurancePolicy/PolicyEffectiveDate |
ent_inspolicy_policyeffectivedate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) from which the policy will be in effect for an entity. |
Entities/Insurance/Effective Date |
InsurancePolicy/PolicyEffectiveDate |
ent_inspolicy_policyenddate |
The date the policy is no longer in effect for an entity. |
Entities/Insurance/End Date |
InsurancePolicy/PolicyEndDate |
ent_inspolicy_policyenddate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the policy is no longer in effect for an entity. |
Entities/Insurance/End Date |
InsurancePolicy/PolicyEndDate |
ent_inspolicy_policynumber |
An identifier for an insurance policy held by an entity. |
Entities/Insurance/Policy Number |
InsurancePolicy/PolicyNumber |
ent_inspolicy_policytype |
The type of insurance policy held by an entity. |
Entities/Insurance/Policy Type |
InsurancePolicy/PolicyType_CD |
ent_inspolicy_premium |
The amount paid by the entity to purchase the insurance policy. |
Entities/Insurance/Premium |
InsurancePolicy/Premium |
ent_inspolicy_premiumforeign |
The amount, expressed in the selected currency type, paid by the entity to purchase the insurance policy. |
Entities/Insurance/Premium Foreign |
InsurancePolicy/PremiumForeign |
HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 4
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
ent_inspolicy_rate |
The conversion rate used if a currency type other than the base currency type is used for an insurance policy held by an entity. |
Entities/Insurance/Rate |
InsurancePolicy/ConversionRate |
ent_inspolicy_underwriter |
The name of the company with which the policy is associated. |
Entities/Insurance/Underwriter |
InsurancePolicy/Underwriter |
ent_matplayers_enddate |
The date an entity’s association with a matter ends. |
Entities/Related Matters/End Date |
MatterPlayer/EndDate |
ent_matplayers_enddate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that an entity’s association with a matter ends. |
Entities/Related Matters/End Date |
MatterPlayer/EndDate |
ent_matplayers_matter |
The name of a matter with which an entity has an association. |
Entities/Related Matters/Matter Name |
Matter/MatterName |
ent_matplayers_playertype |
The type (such as Business Units) of involvement of an entity with a matter. |
Matters/Player/Player Type |
MatterPlayer/PlayerType_CD |
ent_matplayers_role |
The role (such as Participating Business Unit) an entity plays in a matter. |
Entities/Related Matters/Role |
MatterPlayer/Role_CD |
ent_matplayers_startdate |
The date an entity’s association with a matter begins. |
Entities/Related Matters/Start Date |
MatterPlayer/StartDate |
ent_matplayers_startdate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that an entity’s association with a matter begins. |
Entities/Related Matters/Start Date |
MatterPlayer/StartDate |
inv_baseinfo_address |
The address for the vendor submitting the invoice. |
Invoices/Base Info/Remit to |
Invoice/BillingEntityAddress_ID |
inv_baseinfo_adjustmentamount |
The total of all adjustments made to line items and an invoice- level discount. |
Invoices/Base Info/Total Adjustments |
Invoice/AdjustmentAmount |
inv_baseinfo_adjustmentdate |
The date an amount was entered as an adjustment to the invoice. |
N/A |
Invoice/AdjustmentDate |
inv_baseinfo_adjustmentdate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that an amount was entered as an adjustment to the invoice. |
N/A |
Invoice/AdjustmentDate |
inv_baseinfo_billingmethod |
The billing method selected for the invoice. |
N/A |
Invoice/BillingMethod_CD |
inv_baseinfo_checknumber |
The number of the check with which an invoice was paid if paid by check. |
Invoices/Base Info/Check Number |
Invoice/CheckNumber |
inv_baseinfo_comments |
Any additional information concerning an invoice. |
Invoices/Base Info/Comments |
Invoice/Comments_ID |
inv_baseinfo_conversionrate |
The rate by which a foreign currency amount is converted to the base currency. |
Invoices/Base Info/Conversion Rate |
Invoice/ConversionRate |
inv_baseinfo_currency |
The type of currency in which the invoice was billed. |
Invoices/Base Info/Currency |
Invoice/Currency_CD |
inv_baseinfo_discountamount |
The amount of an invoice-level discount on the invoiced amount. |
Invoices/Base Info/Discount Amount |
Invoice/DiscountAmount |
inv_baseinfo_holddate |
The date a hold was put on processing the invoice. |
Invoices/Base Info/Hold Date |
Invoice/HoldDate |
inv_baseinfo_holddate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a hold was put on processing the invoice. |
Invoices/Base Info/Hold Date |
Invoice/HoldDate |
inv_baseinfo_importeddate |
If the invoice was imported into eCounsel, the date the invoice was imported. |
Invoices/Base Info/Imported Date |
Invoice/ImportedDate |
inv_baseinfo_importeddate_datetype |
If the invoice was imported into eCounsel, the date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the invoice was imported. |
Invoices/Base Info/Imported Date |
Invoice/ImportedDate |
inv_baseinfo_invoiceamount |
The total amount of the invoice after adjustments and discounts. |
Invoices/Base Info/Invoice Amount |
Invoice/InvoiceAmount |
inv_baseinfo_invoicedate |
The date for which the invoice is valid. |
Invoices/Base Info/Date |
Invoice/InvoiceDate |
inv_baseinfo_invoicedate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) for which the invoice is valid. |
Invoices/Base Info/Date |
Invoice/InvoiceDate |
inv_baseinfo_invoicenumber |
The identifier for the invoice. |
Invoices/Base Info/Invoice # |
Invoice/BillingEntityInvoiceNumber |
inv_baseinfo_isinternal |
An indication of whether the invoice is being billed from a source internal to the receiving company. |
Invoices/Base Info/Internal |
Invoice/InternalInvoice |
inv_baseinfo_originalamount |
The base amount of the invoice before adjustments and discounts. |
Invoices/Base Info/Original Amount |
Invoice/OriginalAmount |