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How to Enable the PlatoBI Module in eCounsel


The PlatoBI Matter & Spend Dashboard for eCounsel provides insights and trends about invoice processing and matter status within eCounsel.

This article explains how to enable the PlatoBI module for eCounsel for users and groups in eCounsel.


This article assumes that the user accounts are already configured in PlatoBI. Ask Mitratech support to configure the users in PlatoBI if not already done.

Configure a PlatoBI User in eCounsel

PlatoBI users need a Person and Primary email configured in eCounsel to access the PlatoBI dashboards. This section configures an email account (username) as a user in eCounsel.

To configure a Person and a Primary email for the PlatoBI user in eCounsel:

  1. Open Suite Manager and go to Users/Groups.

  2. On the User tab, select the user and click Edit.

  3. On the user window > Base Info, click the ellipsis (three dots icon) next to Associated Person.

The edit user pop up window

  1. Use the Search textbox to find the person, then select the person and click Select.

The add person pop up window 

Note: Click Hot Add if the person does not exist in eCounsel.

  1. On the user window > Base Info, click Save.

  2. Log in to eCounsel.

  3. Go to the People module, click the person.

Find the person, select and click to open its card

  1. Click Edit.

On the person's card, click Edit to open edit mode

  1. On the Contact info tab, click New > Communication.

  2. Enter the following information:

    • Description: The person's name (it should be already filled)
    • Type: Select Email
    • Number: Enter the person's email
      Note: The email must be configured in the PlatoBI dashboard.

 The person's pop up window where you enter the email account that has access to PlatoBI

  1. Select the Is Primary checkbox and click Save.

Enable the PlatoBI Module

Apart from configuring the same email both for PlatoBI and for the person in eCounsel, you need to give permission to the user to access PlatoBI. Permissions can be applied to a user or to a group. This section explains how to grant permissions to a user and to a group.

Enable the PlatoBI Module for a User

To enable the PlatoBI module for a user in eCounsel:

  1. Open Suite Manager and go to Users/Groups.

  2. On the User tab, select the user and click Edit.

  3. Select the Security Attributes tab. On Allow PlatoBI Module, set the permissions as follows:

  • Inherited Access: Unspecified

  • Override Access: Allow

  • Cumulative Access: Allow

  1. Click Save.

The Security Attributes tab under a user in Suite Manager

Enable the PlatoBI Module for a Group

To enable the PlatoBI module for a group in eCounsel:

  1. Open Suite Manager and go to Users/Groups.

  2. On the Group tab, select the group and click Edit.

  3. Select the Security Attributes tab. On Allow PlatoBI Module, set Access Level as Allow.

  4. Click Save.

The Security Attributes tab under a group in Suite Manager

Log in to PlatoBI from eCounsel

PlatoBI is a separate module that is accessed from eCounsel. To access PlatoBI, log in to eCounsel, and in the homepage, click PlatoBI to show the main page with links to the dashboards.

The PlatoBI homepage, which can only be accessed through eCounsel

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