SFTP Changes for Membership Populator Service
The Membership Populator Service is installed on a client’s internal server and is used to automate the creation of the User & Group CSV files and transfer these files to the hosted server via SFTP ready for import into the client’s PolicyHub system.
Updating SFTP Details
Connect to the server where the Membership Populator Service is installed
Stop the MembershipPopulatorService
Browse to the install location of the Membership Populator Service
Edit the HitecLabs.MembershipPopulator.Service.exe.config file
Update the FtpUri setting with the new SFTP connection:
<setting name="FtpUri" serializeAs="String">
- Update the FtpUserName setting with the new SFTP user name (if you have been provided with one):
<setting name="FtpUserName" serializeAs="String">
Update the FtpPassword setting with the new SFTP password:
<setting name="FtpPassword" serializeAs="String">
Check the setting SynchroniseOnServiceStart to see if the synchronisation to the SFTP server will start once the service is restarted::
<setting name="SynchroniseOnServiceStart" serializeAs="String">
Save and close the config file.
Start the MembershipPopulatorService.
If the synchronisation is set to run on the service starting, check the trace text file for any errors.