Additional Information
Incident Locking
Incident Locks Enabled
Incidents are not locked when they are edited unless the value for EnableSpecialRecordLocking in the tblControl (in the Incident Manager database) is set to True.
When EnableSpecialRecordLocking is set to True, when a user edits an Incident, that Incident is locked, and no other users can edit that Incident until the specified number of seconds has passed. The locking period value is set by entering a value between 120 and 300 in the RecordLockingTimeout in the tblControl.
When the RecordLockingTimeout has expired, if another user attempts to edit the Incident, they will be allowed to make the edit and the RecordLockingTimeout will start for the new user.
When a user saves the Incident, or cancels the edit, within the RecordLockingTimeout, the lock on the Incident is removed.
Note: When either of these tblControl entries are edited, click Refresh System Settings on the General tab of the System Settings tab to make the changes take effect.
Incident Locks Disabled
When EnableSpecialRecordLocking is set to False or NULL, when a user edits an Incident, that Incident is not locked. This means, if another user edits the same Incident and saves the changes after the first person saves changes to the same Incident, the changes which were saved first are overwritten with the changes which were saved subsequently.