Integrum Release Naming Convention
Integrum Release Naming Convention
Queensland Government Agencies
The original Release for Queensland Government Agencies was a TMR Release ('Phase 1'). There were subsequent releases with additional features and functionality specified were termed 'Phase 2', 'Phase 3' etc.
The Phase 3 is now called QLDMT 1.0 which means Queensland Master Template release 1.0. This has all TMR Go-Live Items ('Phase 1'), 'Phase 2', 'Phaes 3' Items and the updated UI/UX of the Integrum application.
If there are any bugs found in QLDMT 1.0, subsequent release to address the bugs on that template will be made available with a 'dot' release.
i.e it will be called QLDMT 1.1
All bugs found on a release need to be labeled QLDMT(releasenumber)Bug.
i.e. QLDMT1.1Bug.
Subsequent releases to address such items will have a fix version of a dot release greater than what is labeled. The Engineering team will be responsible for the fix version.
i.e. Fix Version for the above = QLDMT1.2
- Phase 2 = Phase 2
- Phase 3 = QLDMT 1.0
- QLDMTV1.1 (Release for QFD) = QLDMT 2.0
- Phase 4 = QLDMT 3.0
- Phase 5 = QLDMT 4.0
- Phase 6 = QLDMT 5.0
- Phase 7 = QLDMT 6.0
- Phase 8 = QLDMT 7.0
At some point the QLDMT will be merged to the Template that the rest of the Integrum Software uses ie; Version 9.20
Integrum Software Releases
Most of the Integrum Software uses the below release naming convention.
- 9.14 = Template Version 9.14
- 9.15 = Template Version 9.15
- 9.16 = Template Version 9.16
- 9.17 = Template Version 9.17
- 9.18 = Template Version 9.18
- 9.19 = Template Version 9.19
- 9.20 = Template Version 9.20
CCEP & BT have their own customised Versions of the Integrum Software