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Configure an EraCLM User

This article explains how to configure a user in the Admin Panel. This article assumes that you have Staff user (admin) permissions and access to the Admin Panel. Perform the following procedure to create a user in the Admin Panel.

  1. On EraCLM, click cog > Admin Panel.

  2. On Django Administration, scroll down to USERS and click Users.

  3. Click + Add user.

Note: Search first for the user before attempting to create the new user.

  1. Enter the following information:
  • USERNAME: the user’s email address
  1. On Permissions, assign the user to a group. Select the group on the left box, then click the right arrow.

  2. Click Save.

Note: You must assign the user to a group so that the user has permissions to use the system.

You can add the user to multiple groups by clicking Control (Windows) or command (mac) while selecting the groups with the mouse.

The following procedure completes the user configuration.

  1. Add Personal Info.
  1. Select the user’s DOMAIN from the dropdown list.

  2. Under Permissions, click the Active checkbox. Add the permissions needed for the user type that you are configuring.

  3. Ensure that groups are configured for the user. Do not configure permissions on the USER PERMISSIONS boxes.

  4. Configure IDP AUTHENTICATION only if the user needs to authenticate by using SSO.


  6. Check Enable API Delete and Enable REST API only if needed.

  7. Click Save.

Note: A user can log in to EraCLM only if it’s set up as Active.

Configure a Framework for the User

The user must have a framework configured to create agreements in EraCLM. Follow this procedure to add the user to a framework.

  1. On Django Administration, scroll down to FRAMEWORKS and click Contracts.

  2. Find the framework that the user needs access to. Select Framework on the right to show only frameworks.

  3. Click on the framework name.

  4. On the framework configuration page, scroll down to see the Access Control List.

  5. Add the group that the user belongs to.

  6. On the ROLES column, select the role for that group. For example, the Leader role lets the group create and modify agreements based on that framework.

Configure User Types

EraCLM has different user types depending on the function that they need to accomplish. For example, users that negotiate and have roles in the system only need to be set as Active, but if a user is an administrator, they need to have the Active and Staff status checkbox enabled. The following table describes the different user types and how to configure them. Go to Permissions and select the checkboxes that apply.

User Type Description Configuration
negotiator or end-user EraCLM end-user Active
Staff status Admin at company level. This admin has access to the Django Administration console for a single company or domain. Active
Staff status
Superuser status This is an EraCLM superuser only available to EraCLM employees and not to customers. Active
Superuser status
Framework specialist This user creates, edits and maintains frameworks and its rules. Active
Framework specialist
Rule specialist
Agreex specialist A user with access to EraCLM Express. Check this option if the user needs to access EraCLM express Active
Agreex specialist
Agreex admin EraCLM Express admin at company level Active
Agreex admin
Smart table specialist A user that can use an external data source, for example, an external database Active
Smart table specialist

Unblock a User

EraCLM blocks users when they have 5 failed attempts to log in. There are several ways to recover your account:

  • The user resets the password

  • An admin changes failed attempts to 0

Reset the Password

Users can reset their password to unblock their accounts. To reset the password, follow these steps:

  1. Click Forgot password?

  2. Enter your email twice and click Recover password.

  3. EraCLM sends an email with the link to update your password.

Admin Changes Failed Attempts to Zero

To unblock a user as an EraCLM admin, follow these steps:

  1. On EraCLM, click cog > Admin Panel.

  2. On Django Administration, scroll down to USERS and click Users.

  3. Select the user.


  5. You may need to set the user password. Scroll up and click on Raw passwords are not stored, so there is no way to see this user’s password, but you can change the password using this form.

Disable a User

EraCLM doesn’t allow you to delete users, instead you can set them as inactive. To disable a user, follow these steps:

  1. On EraCLM, click cog > Admin Panel.

  2. On Django Administration, scroll down to USERS and click Users.

  3. Select the user.

  4. Go to Permissions and uncheck the Active checkbox.

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