Configure an EraCLM Group
This article explains how to configure a group in the Admin Panel. You can add several users to a group and apply the same permissions, in that way you don’t need to assign permissions to users individually. A role of Staff status gives administrator permissions to all members the group, while Access Control Lists are used to grant administrator permissions on the group that you are configuring.
This article assumes that you have Staff user (admin) permissions and access to the Admin Panel. Perform the following procedure to create a user in the Admin Panel.
On EraCLM, click cog > Admin Panel.
On Django Administration, scroll down to MODELS and click Groups.
Note: Search first for the group before attempting to create the new group.
Enter NAME.
Do not configure permissions on the PERMISSIONS boxes.
Enter PARENT only if the group that you are configuring is the child of another group. A parent-child relationship between two groups lets you create hierarchies within EraCLM. For example, the main group ACME represents the entire company, and groups System Administrators and Finance are ACME’s children groups. Note that a child group inherits all permissions from its parent group.
Select Staff status if this is a System Admin group.
Select Reporter if this group uses Insights.
On AVAILABLE USERS, assign users to the group. Select the user on the left box, then click the right arrow. You can add the user to multiple groups by clicking Control (Windows) or command (mac) while selecting the groups with the mouse.
On Access Control List, configure a group that can do administration tasks on the group that you are configuring. Assign a role, such as Group Admin. For example, if you are configuring group Finance, add group Sytem Administrators in Access Control List. Valid states are Group Admin, Group Manager, and Custom.
Click Save.