Corridor - LEDES - How to Submit a Discount/Credit Line Item/Line Item Adjustment
All of the eCounsel invoice import tasks identify an invoice level fee discount/credit as follows:
LEDES98B and LEDES98BI looks for more than one line on an invoice where LINE_ITEM_TOTAL is less than zero and EXP/FEE/INV_ADJ_TYPE is ‘IF’.
LEDES2000 looks for more than one Fee segment in an invoice where discount_type is ‘Percent’ or ‘Flat’ and total_amount is less than 0.
If more than one line item or fee segment meets the above criteria, the invoice will be rejected by the import task.
For LEDES 1998 and LEDES 1998BI, Invoice Level Credit/Discount line items can be submitted as an IF line item in the LEDES file and should read as follows:
LINE_ITEM_UNIT_COST (Rate) = Null or Zero
LINE_ITEM_NUMBER_OF_UNITS (Units) = 1 (Cannot be zero)
LINE_ITEM_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT (Discount) = Must be a negative value
LINE_ITEM_TOTAL (Total Amount) = Must be a negative value and should equal Units * Rate + Discount
Sample LEDES 1998B Discount/Credit Line Item:
20130101|CreditInvoice|CS124|0528|-1313.00|20121201|20121231|This is the Invoice Description|1|IF|1.00|-1313.00|-1313.00|20121220|||||Credit Note|bsi-malazan||||BET06242011 []
Sample LEDES 1998BI Discount/Credit Line Item:
20130101|CreditInvoice|CS124|0528|-1313.00|20121201|20121231|This is the Invoice Description|1|IF|1.00|-1313.00|-1313.00|20121220|||||Credit Note|bsi-malazan|||||BET06242011|PO Number|bsi-malazan| BET06242011||-1313.00|EURO||||||||||||||||||||||[]
For LEDES 2000, Invoice Level Credit/Discount Fee Segments should read as follows:
discount_amount (Discount) = Must be a negative value
discount_percent = Must be zero
total_amount = Must be a negative value
units = Must be 1 (cannot be zero)
rate = Null or Zero
Sample LEDES 2000 Discount/Credit Line Item:
<discount_type />
- <matter>
<matter_name>ABC Litigation</matter_name>
If the discount line item does not meet this criteria, it will be read as a regular FEE line item and all validations (i.e., Task Codes, Timekeeper ID, etc.) will be enforced. Alternatively, discounts can be entered and deducted in each detail line item.
see also :
Corridor: LEDES - Manually Creating Credit Invoice LEDES file from Template