HSE Rate Formulas
The table in this article contains HSE formula configurations for frequency rates.
The table below contains HSE formula configurations for frequency rates. Please review the table's key for any confusion regarding the formulas.
- In the US, the standard is 200,000
- In Australia, the standard is 1,000,000
HSE Rate Formula Index
Rate | Formula |
# of Total Recordable Cases | Other Recordables + Restricted Duty Cases + Lost Time Cases + Fatalities |
# of Total Incidents | Total Recordable Incidents + No. of First Aid Cases + No.of Near Misses |
# of Total Injury / Illness Cases | Total Recordable Incidents + No. of First Aid Cases |
# of DART Cases | Restricted Duty Cases + Lost Time Cases |
First Aid Case Incident Rate | # of Injury First Aid * 20,000 / Total Hours Worked |
Other Recordables Incident Rate | # of Injury Other Recordables * 200000/Total Hours Worked |
Restricted Duty of Incident Rate | # of Injury Restricted Duty Cases * 200000/Total Hours Worked |
Lost Work Day Incident Rate | # of Injury Lost Time Cases * 200000/Total Hours Worked |
DART incident Rate | # of Injury Lost Time & Restricted Duty Cases * 200000/Total Hours Worked |
Recordable Incident Rate | # of Injury Recordables * 200000/Total Hours Worked |
Restricted Days Incident Rate | # of Restricted Days * 200000/Total Hours Worked |
Lost Days Incident Rate | # of Lost Days * 200000/Total Hours Worked |
Total Restricted and Lost Days Incident Rate (Also Known As: Days Away/Restricted Transfer Days Rate) |
# of Restricted & Lost Days * 200000/Total Hours Worked |
Ratio of Near Miss to Injury/Illness Incidents | ((Total # of Near Misses) / (Total Number of Injury / Illness Incidents)) |
Injury Experience Analysis | {([Total Other Recordables * 1] + [Total Restricted Duty Cases * 2] + [Total Lost Time Cases * 5]) * 200,000} / Total Hours Worked |
Frequency Severity Index | Square Root of (Lost work Day Case Rate * Lost Work Day Day Rate / 1000) |
New Injury Frequency | (Recordable cases + First Aid Cases)*1,000,000 / Total Hours Worked |
Severity Index | Total Lost Work Days * 200000/Total Hours worked |
Safety Index | Lost Workday Case Rate + Total Recordable Case Rate + Lost Workday Day Rate |
Injury Frequency (also known as: Injury Frequency Index) | Lost Time cases + Restricted Duty Cases + Death/Fatality Cases + Other Recordable Cases * 200000/Total Hours Worked |
Injury Severity | Total Lost Work Days Cases * 200,000 / Total Hours Worked |
+ add
- subtract
* multiply
/ divide