All Report Positions for Forms
The report position is used to link a field on the form, such as the date section. The reason this functionality has been configured is because there could be several date fields on a form; in order to generate the relevant information for a report Mitratech have created position numbers by linking these fields.
See the example below:
- Go to Admin - Forms
- Open up a relevant form (listed below)
- Click on Incident Reported
- A pop-up opens and you will see Report Pos
- As you can see in the below the Report Position has been entered for Incident / Near Miss Date Reported as 304 - which will in turn show up on the HSEC Flash Report Report as the date listed for this event.
Here is a detailed list showing you all the report positions for the current forms, that you can use for your reports:
- ICWS Answer Operations
- OSHA reports (300 and 301)
- ToolBox Talk Report
- HSEC Alert Report
- HSEC Flash Report Filter
- DII Incident Notification Report
- HSE Monthly Dashboard Report
- CMI Early Notification Of Injury Report
- CMI Incident Accident Form Report
- HiPo Report
- CMI Incident Accident Form Report
- DII Incident Notification Report
These report positions use in ICWS Answer Operations:
KEBSIntegrationServiceRecieptNumber = 151
KEBSIntegrationServiceAmountPaid = 152
KEBSIntegrationServiceFeesHaveBeenPaid = 153
These report positions use in OSHA reports (300 and 301):
OSHA Reports Positions
IsOshaAudit = 0
Osha 300 Report Positions
PersonInvolved = 1
JobTitle = 2
DateOfInjury = 3
EventLocation = 4
EventCause = 6
InjuryType = 7
EmployeeNameReportPositions = new List<int> { 1, 11, 12, 13, 14 };
DescriptionReportPositions = new List<int> { 5, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 38 };
Osha 301 Report Positions
FirstName = 11
LastName = 12
City = 17
Street = 16
State = 18
Zip = 19
DateBirth = 20
DateHired = 14
Male = 21
Female = 22
PhysicianName = 23
TreatmentFacility = 24
TreatmentFacilityStreet = 25
TreatmentFacilityCity = 26
TreatmentFacilityState = 27
TreatmentFacilityZip = 28
TreatedInEmergencyRoomYES = 29
TreatedInEmergencyRoomNO = 30
EmployeeHospitalisedOvernightYES = 31
EmployeeHospitalisedOvernightNO = 32
TimeBeganWork = 35
EmployeeDoingJustBefore = 37
WhatHappened = 38
WhatInjury = 51
ObjectHarmed = 53
DateDeath = 42
Description = 5
These report positions use in ToolBox Talk Report:
SourceSeq = 200
SubjectSeq = 201
InformationSeq = 202
DeliveredBy = 203
DateDelivered = 204
CrewShift = 205
Attendees = 206
These report positions use in HSEC Alert Report:
IsHSECAlert = 250
EventLocation = 251
PreliminaryIncidentDetails = 252
ImmediatePreventativeActionTaken = 253
FurtherInvestigationOccurring = 254
FurtherInformationContact = 255
ActualSeverity = 256
PotentialSeverity = 257
AlertSummary = 258
SummaryDetail = 259
LessonsLearned = 260
Review = 261
These report positions use in HSEC Flash Report Filter:
ActualRiskRating = 301
PotentialRiskRating = 302
TimeofIncident = 303
DateReported = 304
TimeReported = 305
AreaIncidentOccurred = 306
Incidentsummary = 307
DescribeAnyContributingFactorsRelatingToTheIncident = 308
ImmediateActionsTaken = 309
These report positions use in DII Incident Notification Report:
IncidentLocation = 3
IncidentLocationDetailed = 80
IncidentNature = 25
Equipment = 6
ActionTaken = 44
Witness = 98
Person1 = 109
Person2 = 107
Person3 = 108
Person4 = 111
ConductingBussinessPerson = 140
IsDeathInjuryIllness = 32
InjuriedPerson = 45
OccupationInjury = 59
ConductingBussinessPersonInjury = 9
StartTime = 74
Day1 = 36
Day2 = 37
Day3 = 38
Day4 = 39
Day5 = 40
Day6 = 41
Day7 = 42
WorkExperienceMining = 30
WorkExperienceTask = 31
InjuryDate = 19
InjuryTime = 85
InjuryCategory = 122
BodyLocationCategory = 121
TreatmentGiven = 90
TreatmentDoctor = 73
TreatmentFirstAid = 34
Fatality = 32
LostTime = 50
RestrictedDuties = 67
MedicalTreatment = 52
StopWorkYes = 114
StopWorkNo = 56
WhenStopWork = 86
ExpectedToReturn = 72
InjuryForm = 132
RTWForm = 141
These report positions use in HSE Monthly Dashboard Report:
SafeObservationRecord = 350
AtRiskObservationRecord = 351
Inspections = 352
Hazard = 353
AuditTableTemplate = 354
TrainingCourse = 355
TrainingTotal = 356
TrainingTarget = 357
AlcoholTests = 358
AlcoholTestsTargets = 359
NonNegativeAlcohol = 360
NonNegativeAlcoholTargets = 361
DrugTests = 362
DrugTestsTargets = 363
NonNegativeDrug = 364
NonNegativeDrugTargets = 365
HydrationTests = 366
HydrationTestsTargets = 367
HydratedResults = 368
HydratedResultsTargets = 369
These report positions used in CMI Early Notification Of Injury Report and CMI Incident Accident Form Report:
Employer = 9
IncidentDate = 19
Worker = 45
OccupationOfWorker = 59
Weekend = 112
TypeOfInjury = 122
PartOfBody = 123
OnJourneyToOrFromWork = 117
Form = 132
IncidentTime = 85
ReportedTo = 65
ShiftStartTime = 74
EmployeeStopWork = 114
EmployeeNotStopWork = 56
TimeWorkerStopped = 86
TreatedBy = 87
TreatmentGiven = 90
IncidentDetails = 22
ShiftDay = 21
ShiftAfternoon = 5
ShiftNight = 54
WasInjuredWorkerOnOvertimeYes = 118
WasInjuredWorkerOnOvertimeNo = 58
Hours worked in previous 7 calendar days
Day1 = 36
Day2 = 37
Day3 = 38
Day4 = 39
Day5 = 40
Day6 = 41
Day7 = 42
TimeJourneyCommenced = 83
DurationOfJourney = 91
TypeOfTransport = 62
WorkerHasBeenAbsent = 113
WorkerHasNotBeenAbsent = 55
EmployeeAfterAccidentGoWork = 68
EmployeeAfterAccidentGoToDoctor = 73
RecurrenceOfPreviousInjuryYes = 115
RecurrenceOfPreviousInjuryNo = 57
OtherEmployeesInjuredInAccident = new List<int>() { 46, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 }
These report positions use in HiPo Report:
NearMissReportPositions = new List<int>() { 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 }
GreenReportPositions = new List<int>() { 106, 107, 108, 109, 110 }
YellowReportPositions = new List<int>() { 111, 112, 113, 114, 115 }
CommonReportPositions = new List<int>() { 120, 121, 122, 123, 124 }
These report positions use in CMI Incident Accident Form Report and DII Incident Notification Report:
WitnessesOfAccident = new List<int>() { 98, 99, 110, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106 }