Gather and Send iOS Device Log Files from iPad via iTunes
After completing this, the Device log files (data) from iPad with installed CMO App can be shared in a zipped folder and used for investigation purposes.
- Ability to login to iOS CMO App on iPad device
- iOS USB cable to connect iOS device with computer/ laptop
- iTunes Software installed on the intended computer/ laptop
Steps to Send Device Log Files
Connect to iTunes
1. Begin by connecting iPad device to the intended computer/ laptop using the USB cable
2. Navigate to iTunes Software and Click on Sync to get latest backups from iPad to iTunes
App Data
3. Then Navigate to My Computer/ This PC on your computer and type - '%appdata%' in search bar and click Enter
Apple Computer- Device Name
4. By default, App Data - Roaming folder will appear up
5. Navigate further to Apple Computer to view details in the folder
6. Further navigate to Apple Computer > Logs > Crash Reported > Mobile Device > 'Device Name' (Current iPad connected Name as displayed in iTunes)
(Note: your connected device name appears in iTunes on the left side, under 'Devices')
Zip Folder
7. Lastly, Zip the Device folder (iPad Name Folder) using any zip compression with extension '.zip'
8. Send this Device log files zipped file to Mitratech Support Team