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CMO Lite Mobile App for iOS and Android

This document provides high-level information on the modules and their respective functionalities implemented in the CMO mobile application using flutter technology.

CMO has successfully managed the migration of the mobile application from using conventional technology to Flutter for both iOS and Android. With this implementation, the developers can build native and multi-platform applications using a single code base (iOS and Android applications).

CMO has implemented the following modules’ screens and their respective functionalities using flutter technology.


The following functionalities are implemented for Events:

1. List –

  • Module screen where the list of events is displayed.
  • UI/UX changes  
  • A user can export an event to the server from an event list and sync screen.

2. Create – To create an event.

3. Perform Event –

  • The user can perform an event along with adding an Action, Finding, Reference, Attachment, Remarks etc.
  • The user can respond to the respective answers within the questions and sections.

4. Delete Event – The user can delete an event.

5. Complete Event – The user can complete an event.

6. Filter – Filter an event based on Org Unit, Entity, Entity Type etc.

7.  Response Types – The user can select the following response types while configuring the form.

  • Single Line
  • Multi-Line
  • Numeric
  • Date
  • Time
  • Button
  • Risk Assessment
  • Score
  • Horizontal Line
  • Dropdown
  • Dropdown Improved
  • Editable Dropdown
  • Potential severity
  • Actual Severity
  • Party Involved
  • Party Involved Simple
  • Party Involved Individual
  • Complete workflow
  • ICWS
  • RCWS
  • Form
  • Status
  • Calculated Field
  • Heat Map
  • API Trigger Button
  • Table
  • Not Applicable
  • Radio Button
  • Check Box

8. Section Info –

  • Informative area where a user can see the information regarding an event at once.
  • The user can also perform functionality on ‘Set To Not Applicable’ and ‘Set To Comply’ by selecting any specific sections in an event.

9. Print pdf

  • Get a pdf Event report by clicking on print icon.



The following functionalities are implemented for Action:

1. List –

  • Module screen where all the list of actions are displayed.
  • Turn on and off the Org Unit and Entity on the Action list (only for larger screen like tablet)
  • UI/UX changes 

2. Details – Action-related screen for showing Category, Status, Due Date, Progress, Comments, Attachments etc.

3. Create – The user can create an action.

4. Delete – The user can delete a created or completed action.

5. Filter – Filter an action based on Org Unit, Entity, Entity Type etc.

6. Complete – The user can complete a pending action.

7. Request/Accept/Reject/Extension – The user can make an extension request/accept/reject based on the due date.

8. Add/Remove Attachment – The user can add or remove an attachment.

9. Comments – The user can add comments in the comments box provided for an action.

10. Print pdf - Get a pdf Action report by clicking on print icon.



The following functionalities are implemented for Finding:

  1. List – Module screen where all the list of Findings are displayed.
  2. Details – Finding related screen for showing Category, Status, Risk, Comments, Attachments etc.
  3. Create – The user can create a finding
  4. Add/Remove Action – The user can add an action to a finding or remove an action from a finding.
  5. Delete – The user can delete a finding.
  6. Filter – Filter a finding based on Org Unit, Entity, and Entity Type.
  7. Add/Remove Attachment - The user can add or remove an attachment.



The following functionalities are implemented for Control:

  1. List - Module screen where all the list of Controls are displayed.
  2. Details – Control-related screen for showing Control Text, Status etc.
  3. Filter – Filter a control based on Org Unit, Entity, Category, Status etc.



The following functionalities are implemented for Document:

  1. List – Module screen where the list of Documents is displayed.
  2. Details – The user can open a document and see the type of document like jpg/pdf etc. 



The following functionalities are implemented for Obligation:

  1. List - Module screen where the list of Obligations is displayed.
  2. Details – Obligation-related screen for showing Name, Type, Status, Topic etc.
  3. Filter – Filter an Obligation based on Entity, Entity Type, User Roles etc.



The following functionalities are implemented for Trainings:

  1. List – Module screen where all the available lists of Trainings assigned to users are displayed.
  2. Filter –  Filter trainings based on Org Unit, Entity, Entity Type, Job Title, Training Category, Training Status etc.



  1. Action/Event/Finding Sync – Synching event/action/finding from sync screen for synching new event/action/finding created on the web if the user is already logged in mobile and vice versa.
  2. Document Sync – Sync documents only from the web to the mobile application.
  3. Admin Sync – Sync available/updated settings from the web to the mobile application.


SSO Login:

Implemented a Single sign-on login feature for both iOS and Android.

Offline Login:

CMO mobile applications support offline login and enable users to perform a workstation login in the absence of the internet and later sync the data to the server when the internet is available.

Biometric Authentication:

CMO mobile application supports biometric authentication i.e. through fingerprint/face ID.


The Dashboard modules support the following five widgets in the Flutter app:

  1. Event List
  2. Action List
  3. Document List
  4. New Action/Event/Finding 
  5. New Event
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