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CMO R27 Release Notes

This document details the resolved issues that are included in the CMO R27 Web Maintenance and Mobile Maintenance Projects.

Welcome to the CMO Compliance R27 Release Notes.

This document details the client-reported issues that are included in the CMO Web Application R27 maintenance release. The following Release Notes cover resolved issues in the Web Application, as well as the mobile Andriod, iOS, and Windows apps that affect versions Update 27 and Version 16.0. The individual tickets will detail the applicable versions.

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Resolved Issues   

This section describes the issues that are resolved in the CMO Compliance R27 maintenance release. Each resolved issue is documented in the format:

  • A description of the issue
  • Internal tracking code
  • Salesforce case number, if applicable
  • Affected Version


Web Application 


Issue: Reports sent at the end of a WorkFlow step with a PDF attached to the Event will no longer result in an error.
Tracking code: CW-19272
Support Case: 2019-0417-521802
Affects Version(s): 15.02.25R15

Issue: The ability to Enable/Disable the Training/Competence module available on the Mobile Application has been added to the Web Application.
Tracking code: CW-18914
Support Case: 2019-0416-521236
Affects Version(s): 16.01.99602

Issue: Users will no longer be able to API response values for “Date” response types beyond the specified limit (ex. 1900 and 2100)
Tracking code: CW-14194
Support Case: N/A
Affects Version(s): 16.01.99212

Issue: Values for the “Lost Days” field will now be properly cleared when the category is removed/deselected from an event using the "IM - Injury/Illness" form.
Tracking code: CW-8090
Support Case: 2018-0118-426566
Affects Version(s): 15.02.25 R3.2

Issue: Resolved an issue that would throw an error message when generating a Configuration Summary Report
Tracking code: CW-17067
Support Case: 2018-1029-486409
Affects Version(s): 16.01.99515

Issue: Decreased load times while using forms containing the Entity Field response type with Entity Type selected.
Tracking code: CW-17162
Support Case: N/A
Affects Version(s): 16.00.99393.R24

Issue: Event Categories are now properly displayed in ascending order when a report is generated.
Tracking code: CW-10504
Support Case: 2018-0531-454968
Affects Version(s): 15.02.25R3

Issue: User is now prevented from importing API response values for GPS response type beyond the specified limit.
Tracking code: CW-14207
Support Case: N/A
Affects Version(s): 16.01.99212

Issue: Resolved an issue where a system crash was observed when user created a finding, which is created through the CWS button click when configured with ‘When Response is selected: Jump to Add Finding or Add Action.
Tracking code: CW-16623
Support Case: N/A
Affects Version(s): 16.01.99379

Issue: Resolved an issue where User Groups would not be viewable on Projects until a user was added to the User Group.
Tracking code: CW-15791
Support Case: 2019-0120-501827
Affects Version(s): 16.00.00 R19

Issue: User can is now able to edit/view the entity named ‘B Canada’ without triggering a system crash.
Tracking code: CW-18860
Support Case: N/A
Affects Version(s): 16.01.99572

Issue: Resolved an issue where the 'Multiple User Profiles Selected' option is not displayed under 'User Profile' dropdown while using a filter.
Tracking code: CW-18983
Support Case: N/A
Affects Version(s): 16.01.99572

Issue: Values for ‘User’ and ‘Risk’ 'Entity Additional Info' response type fields are now properly reflected in notification emails.
Tracking code: CW-19067
Support Case: N/A
Affects Version(s): 16.01.99591

Issue: Resolved an issue triggering an application crash when user clicks on GPS additional field having 'none' value in event perform mode.
Tracking code: CW-19092
Support Case: N/A
Affects Version(s): 16.01.99576

Issue: When recurring scheduled actions are created and sent out on Advance Reminder custom emails, the custom email's .ics calendar invite is sent with the correct Action Due Date.
Tracking code: CW-19118
Support Case: 2019-0416-521318
Affects Version(s): 16.00.00 R19

Issue:  Values in Entity Additional Fields are updated properly upon updating the event Entity
Tracking code: CW-15411
Support Case: 2019-0118-501786
Affects Version(s): 16.00 R22

Issue: Application no longer crashes if a user clicks the update button in the attachment tab multiple times while performing an event.
Tracking code: CW-16016
Support Case: N/A
Affects Version(s): 15.02.99334.R23

Issue: Resolved an issue where Excel Report on the entities module didn’t contain 'SIC' and 'NAICS' columns and details.
Tracking code: CW-19470
Support Case: N/A
Affects Version(s): 16.01.99606

Issue: When a performed Event uses a form containing the Calculated Field response type, the Previous/Next/Save & Close navigation buttons can now be successfully interacted with.
Tracking code: CW-19665
Support Case: 2019-0507-525541
Affects Version(s):  16.01

Issue: Resolved an issue causing the Event Totals by Grouping Widget to not work properly when Event Categories were chosen.
Tracking code: CW-19876
Support Case: 2018-1204-493485
Affects Version(s): 16.00 R19

Issue: Resolved an issue where a misleading value was displayed for the ‘Default value’ on the answer list when a form template having ‘specific form’ default value configured was imported via a .cmo file.
Tracking code: CW-19906
Support Case: N/A
Affects Version(s): 16.01.99619

Mobile iOS Application 

Issue: Resolved an issue that would cause an application crash when a user would select “Type” while creating an Event.
Tracking code: CMM-18189, CMM-17967
Support Case: 2019-0416-521228
Affects Version(s): 16.00.99545.R25

Issue: Load times for Sync Audits on the Windows Application have been significantly reduced.
Tracking code: CMM-16934
Support Case: 2019-0313-513495
Affects Version(s): 15.02.25R18

Issue: The count of attached “Findings/ action/ attachment/ references” etc. is now displayed under the “More” options of a Question.
Tracking code: CMM-12419
Support Case: 2019-0211-506590
Affects Version(s): 16.00.99335.R23

Issue: Resolved an issue where users were able to save an action without selecting any values for mandatory 'Org Unit' and 'Entity' fields.    
Tracking code: CMM-10999
Support Case: N/A
Affects Version(s): 16.00.98996

Issue: The application no longer crashes upon adding category/type on 'New Event' screen.
Tracking code: CMM-16883
Support Case: N/A
Affects Version(s): 16.01.99434

Issue: Resolved an issue where the application became unresponsive when selecting a Responsible user for an Action.
Tracking code: CMM-17609
Support Case: 2019-0404-518761
Affects Version(s): 16.00.99266.R22

Issue: Error message is now properly displayed on clicking API Call Trigger button which is not configured/mapped to any response field.
Tracking code: CMM-17663
Support Case: N/A
Affects Version(s): 16.01.99526

Issue: Screen focus will no remain on “API Call Trigger” instead of moving to the top of the screen.
Tracking code: CMM-17043, CMM-17978
Support Case: N/A
Affects Version(s): 16.01.99492

Issue: Resolved an issue where Involvement Types specified in the Web Application would not appear on the Android Application.
Tracking code: CMM-17935
Support Case: 2019-0416-521233
Affects Version(s): 16.00 R25

Issue: Resolved issues that prevented the user syncing the "Hazard/Observation Report" Event to the web application.
Tracking code: CMM-17397
Support Case: 2019-0403-518506
Affects Version(s): 16.00 R25

Issue: Form associations by Accounts (Org Units) are now properly reflected on the Android Application.
Tracking code: CMM-17956
Support Case: 2019-0416-521229
Affects Version(s): 16.00.99545.R25

Issue: The application no longer hangs after clicking ‘Party Involved’ responses, and instead a loader with message 'Please wait Loading Users' is displayed on tapping the 'Party Involved' .response type.
Tracking code: CMM-18000
Support Case: 2019-0415-520920
Affects Version(s): 16.00.99545.R25

Issue: Decreased loading times while performing an Event on the Android Application while interacting with the Party Involved response type. 
Tracking code: CMM-18625
Support Case: N/A
Affects Version(s): 16.01.99606

Issue: Resolved an issue that would cause an application crash when pressing the perform button without selecting an entity in the new event window.
Tracking code: CMM-18636
Support Case: N/A
Affects Version(s): 16.01.99606

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