Timekeeper Merge FAQ
Timekeeper Merge Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Used Terminology
Primary Key - The Primary Key is a unique internal id that is generated by Collaborati.
Timekeeper ID - The Timekeeper ID is a unique identifier that is created by the firm, it's an alphanumeric value that each firm has the ability to control themselves.
Default Timekeeper PK - The Default Timekeeper PK (primary key) are the fields that serve as the Indicator of the Timekeeper Profile that your firm would like to keep as the Default Timekeeper.
Client Specific Timekeeper - The Client Specific Timekeeper profile details are found in the columns to the right of the Client column (column AC). These fields show each client that Timekeeper grouping is associated and their client specific profile details.
Outlier Timekeepers - An Outlier Timekeeper is a unique timekeeper profile that does not meet the duplicate Timekeeper criteria.
Summary Tab
What does the Summary Tab show?
* Firm Name: Name of your firm as it is registered in Collaborati
* Firm ID: Internal ID of your Firm in Collaborati
* Tab Name: Name of the tab
* # of Timekeepers: Number of timekeepers present on the grouped tab
* # of Groups: Number of Timekeeper groupings
* # of Rows: Number of Excel rows defined on the grouped tab
* Row of last verified: Placeholder to keep track of your progress. Mark where you or your colleagues have left off in the “rows last verified” area for both the “grouped” and “outlier” Timekeeper tabs.
Grouped Tab
What is the difference between the Primary Key and the Timekeeper ID?
● The Primary Key is a unique internal id that is generated by Collaborati.
● The Timekeeper ID is a unique identifier that is created by the firm, it's an alphanumeric value that each firm has the ability to control themselves.
What is the purpose of Default Timekeeper PK (primary key) (column A)?
● Default Timekeeper (column A) is used as a way to indicate to Mitractech which Timekeeper you would like to make your Default Timekeeper.
● Copy and paste the Primary Key of the Timekeeper you would like to make your default into column A.
○ Make sure you copy/paste in front of each timekeeper in the grouping that you would like to merge.
What do I do if I do not want to merge one of my Timekeepers in a grouping?
● If you do not want to merge one of your Timekeepers in a grouping then do not assign/copy/paste primary key values to it in (column A).
● The Timekeeper Merge Tool will not merge this Timekeeper with the others in its grouping.
How do I indicate which Timekeeper I want to make the Default Timekeeper IF it is different from the Timekeeper Mitratech has identified as the possible Default?
● Use the Primary Key of the correct Timekeeper and copy & paste it in the ‘Default Timekeeper PK’ field for each of the duplicates you choose to merge.
What happens to leading zeros in the Timekeeper ID? I want to make sure the leading zeros on Timekeeper IDs are preserved.
● In order to preserve leading zeros on Timekeeper Ids, make sure your field formatting is all text.
What is represented in the Office column (column AB)?
● The office column shows the offices the timekeeper is associated with.
How are Client specific Timekeeper profiles represented?
● You will find client specific Timekeeper details in the columns to the right of column AC labeled Client.
● The column labeled Client shows each client that the Timekeeper grouping is associated with.
● Clients and their Timekeeper details are listed in alphabetical order in the columns to the right of column AC.
What are the Client Specific fields?
● Client Specific Fields are Classification, Clerkships, First Year In Current Category, Permitted to Practice Year, Primary Expertise, Secondary Expertise, and Timekeeper ID.
How do I merge/associate Client specific Timekeeper data with my chosen default Timekeeper?
● Client Specific Timekeeper Data that is associated with a Timekeeper profile is represented in all columns to the right of column AC.
● The clients will be listed in Alphabetical order as you scroll to the right of column AC.
● If you would like to merge these special Client Timekeeper profiles with the Default Timekeeper, then each client specific Timekeeper profile details can be copy/pasted into the fields of the chosen Default Timekeeper. This will ensure that each client specific profile details will be merged with the chosen Default Timekeeper.
● Please use the copy/paste function as Timekeeper profile fields are case sensitive.
***Note: Merging the Timekeeper profiles will not affect the existing client connections for each Timekeeper, if you choose to merge the Timekeeper profiles - the new Timekeeper profile will remain connected with the same clients as before.
What if I want to keep Client specific Timekeeper profiles separate/unmerged?
● If you would not like to merge the special client profile details with the Default Timekeeper then do not copy/paste special Timekeeper profile data in the fields with the Default Timekeeper.
● Client specific Timekeeper records will remain connected with the same clients as before.
● Client specific details you would like to merge or update should be done in the default timekeeper line.
Will the Timekeeper Merge process impact any of my pending invoices or historical Timekeeper invoice data?
● No, this change will not impact the information you currently have in the system.
● You will still be able to send invoices to your clients in the same way you do today.
● All current, pending and historical invoices will be assigned to the Timekeeper of your choosing. No data will be lost, it will simply be reassigned to the Timekeeper profile of your choosing.
Can I make edits to the Timekeeper data in the Default Timekeeper fields?
○ The only fields you cannot update are the following:
■ Email address
■ Primary Key
■ Account Status
■ Clients
■ Offices
○ Update all other Timekeeper fields in the Assigned Default Timekeeper row.
○ Use the copy/paste function as much as possible to avoid human error when updating Timekeeper profile fields.
How do I indicate which Timekeeper I want to make the Default Timekeeper IF it is different from the Timekeeper Mitratech has identified as the possible Default?
● Use the Primary Key of the correct Timekeeper and copy & paste it in the ‘Default Timekeeper PK’ field for each of the duplicates you choose to merge.
Outlier Tab
What is an Outlier Timekeeper?
● An Outlier Timekeeper is a unique Timekeeper profile that does not meet the duplicate Timekeeper criteria.
● Each unique Outlier Timekeeper is buffered by a blank line.
What if I want to merge one of my Outlier Timekeepers with one of the Default Timekeepers on the grouped tab?
● Outlier timekeepers can be merged with Default timekeepers on the grouped tab.
● If all the information is correct, and you would like to keep the Outlier Timekeeper then copy the Primary Key of the chosen Outlier and paste it into the corresponding ‘Default Timekeeper PK’ field.
● This will indicate to the tool that you would like to keep this Outlier Timekeeper.
Can I delete a timekeeper whether it is a Grouped or Outlier timekeeper?
● No, it's not possible to delete a timekeeper that has been listed on an invoice in Collaborati.
What is the timeline to accomplish this Timekeeper Merge Process?
● October 1 is the due date to return your completed file to Mitratech’s Collaborati Support.
What should I do when I have completed my Timekeeper Merge Export updates?
● When you have completed your Timekeeper Merge work, please email your completed spreadsheet to Mitratech’s Collaborati Support and check the Multi-Currencies box.
Who can I speak to when I have questions?
● If you have questions during this process, please Contact Mitratech’s Collaborati Support and check the multi-currencies box.