WebSphere Liberty Installation
Follow the below instruction for the Installation of WebShpere Liberty
- Pull the WebSphere Liberty from https://hub.docker.com/.
- The WebSphere liberty consist of relevant JDK version.
- Add <application context-root=" CONTEXT_ROOT" type="ear" id="CONTEXT_ROOT" location="CONTEXT_ROOT.ear" name="CONTEXT_ROOT"/>' to your server.xml
- Copy the server.xml to /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/
- Place ojdbc8.jar file in the TeamConnect War file by using Total Commander and then place the TeamConnect application WAR file in the \usr\servers\TeamConnect\dropins folder.
- Copy the .ear file to /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/apps/
- The user can also place ojdbc8.jar/sqljdbc4.jar /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/apps/expanded/CONTEXT_ROOT.ear/CONTEXT_ROOT.war/WEB-INF/lib
- Start the TeamConnect.
- Check the console logs and if it states the TeamConnect is started then open the browser http://localhost:9080/context_root/standardLogin (where 9080 is an APP_PORT you can use one you preferred).
- If there are any errors, please check the logs that are captured in the WLP TeamConnect logs.