TC 7.1 Web Browser Support
You must specify the proxy URL (/ TeamConnect in this example) and the hostname and port used by your application server.
Each web server will have a different procedure and syntax for configuring the plug-in. Refer to your web server's documentation for details.
The TeamConnect 7.1 application platform supports, and is certified for use with, the following web browsers:
Safari (current, Mac only)
Microsoft Edge Chromium (current)
Firefox (current)
Chrome (current)
TeamConnect is best viewed with a browser width minimum of 1366 x 768px.
Note: Safari has an issue when running on 32-bit Mac 10.6.4. Other Mac operating systems, including 64-bit Mac OS, do not have this issue.
Important: The browser options must be set to their default settings. TeamConnect is not certified for use with non-default browser settings.
It is recommended that client workstations do not use JavaScript debugging when accessing TeamConnect or other Mitratech applications.