Short for Internet Message Access Protocol, an Internet-specific protocol that allows email clients to retrieve email messages from servers. This protocol cannot send email.
The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding while using a specific approach.
Integrated Apps
Application integration is the merging and optimization of data and workflows between two disparate software applications, often a new cloud application with a legacy on-premise application.
Integration is a process of combining different software programs into one system so they can work smoothly together.
Interactive Grid
An interactive grid presents a set of data in a searchable, customizable report. In an editable interactive grid, users can also add to, modify, and delete the data set directly on the page. It is a table in TeamConnect where users can view and edit data directly (like a spreadsheet).
Interactive Line Item
An interactive line item presents a set of line item data in a searchable, customizable way of report.
An invitee for an appointment, also commonly referred to as an attendee, is an individual who is invited to participate in a scheduled event or appointment.
Invoice Compliance
Invoice compliance is the process of ensuring that a business's invoices meet legal, regulatory, and industry standards. It's important for avoiding legal penalties, maintaining good standing with regulatory authorities, and ensuring smooth financial operations.
Bills sent by Vendors who provided your organization with their goods or services. Within TeamConnect, there are two distinguished types of invoices: Invoice Expenses and Invoice Tasks. Invoices can be posted against certain Accounts according to the posting criteria set for each individual account.
Contacts involved in Projects, such as claimants, witnesses, policemen, plaintiffs, defendants, and so on. Unlike project Assignees, involved parties are not TeamConnect users. The information about the contact's involvement is displayed both in the contact record and the project record.
Involved Parties
The people or organizations participating in a case or project (like clients, vendors, or team members).
Involved Party Objects
Records in TeamConnect that store details about the people or organizations involved in a specific case or project.
Involved Records
Involved Records are entries that represent people or organizations linked to a specific case or workflow. They help track the roles and relationships of these parties, like clients and attorneys, making it easier to communicate and work together in legal and case management.
IP Address
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) are the two main communication protocols used to access Internet addresses. A computer must have an IP address before it can connect to the Internet. An IP "data packet" (like an email) must have a "send-to" IP address before it can be sent to another computer, just like postal mail needs an envelope with a real address. An IP address is several numbers separated by periods, for example,