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TeamConnect-TAP Release Notes 1.1

This page contains the information and Release Notes for the TeamConnect/TAP 1.1 release.

New Features       

The list of new features is described below. The following new or updated articles have been published in the Client Success Center to accompany this release:

The following new features have been released in the TeamConnect Enterprise®. Each feature is documented in the following format:

  • Feature Name
  • Feature Description
  • Each enhancement under that feature
  • Internal Tracking CodeOLT


Enhancement: Ability to map multi-select list field to TAP field

Description: Provided ability to map the custom field (Object navigator) by selecting multi-values from the drop-down and that is sent to TAP. The custom field value sent by TC is received by TAP properly.

Tracking Code: TC-37295

Enhancement: UPDATE include path for selecting assignee

Description: Following changes are implemented to improve Assignee:

  • Introduced the object navigator to an assignee for mapping.
  • The object navigator starts from the custom object.
  • Adding the mapping allows only if the object navigator path starts with <applicationEntity.mainAssignee>, otherwise displays an error message.
  • The wizard displays the value that is associated with the object navigator path.

Tracking Code: TC-37747

Enhancement: allow additional properties to be sent for 'child record' field type

Description: Following changes are implemented to improve the Child Record field type:

  • If a user selects the 'child record' input field, the object navigator displays project fields for selection.
  • The child record ID is sent to the TAP when no path is selected in the object navigator, 
  • On Finish, in the wizard, TeamConnect sends the value using the path from the selected project.
  • The object navigator path is stored in a custom(text) field (not mandatory; name: objectNavigatorPath; label: Field Path).

Tracking Code: TC-37145

Enhancement: passing static text value over to TAP

Description: Following changes are implemented in Mapping Data fields section:

  • Added the new mapping type 'static text' to the list under the Mapping Data Fields section.
  • Provided the ability for the user to enter the TAP element (mandatory) value that needs to be sent by selecting the static text mapping type.
  • When the workflow action is executed, the static value as a defined element sends to TAP.
  • The custom field holds the static value as text.
  • On the wizard, the static value is not displayed.
  • On hovering displays What this text: You can specify a fixed value that will be passed over to identify a template on TAP.
Tracking Code: TC-37271

Enhancement: table under single point of execution

Description: Displays all InProgress workflows that are associated with the selected record, and Continue button if the workflow action is defined for continue and condition is verified.

Tracking Code: TC-38553

Enhancement: filter involved & child record based on selected search view

Description: Following changes are implemented to improve the Child Record field type:

  • Added a new drop-down to the Involved or Child Record field type. Selecting the field displays all the defined search views to be used for Related Objects.
  • Stores the value of Search view in a custom field of type text, label: Search View, name: searchViewUniqueKey
  • The value of the custom field is the unique key of the search view.
  • Displays the name of a selected search view in the table.
  • A Validation Rule is provided to ensure that the selected search view for fields with the same group ID.

Tracking Code: TC-37252

Enhancement: Allow single point of execution for all Initiate TAP workflows

Description: Following changes are implemented to improve the TAP Workflows:

  • To Initiate a workflow within a record introduced a custom block drop-down list in Open Workflows to select the workflow action and the Initiate button to initiate the workflow.
  • Selected workflow action through a typeahead component and the action button is based on the selection.
  • The drop-down is displayed as View as well as Edit mode.

Tracking Code: TC-37272

Enhancement: mark form fields as required

Description: Following changes are implemented in Form Fields:

  • When mapping the Form Fields, Admin can mark the fields As Required. Users are restricted to Finish on the wizard without providing required inputs.
  • The custom field is of type boolean, not required, default to No, label: Is Required?, name: isRequired.

Tracking Code: TC-38484

Enhancement: Allow Continue to be executed only once per workflow action

Description: Following changes are implemented in Workflow. :

  • Continue button is not displayed when a Continue action is executed on a Workflow job and the custom field value is true.
  • Introduced a new hidden custom field of type boolean, name: is executed, label: Is Executed, default value: false.
  • The custom field is set to true when a workflow job is Initiate or Continue.

Tracking Code: TC-38552

Enhancement: execute search view on wizard

Description: Displays the list of search records based on search parameters that are associated with the Form Field.

Tracking Code: TC-38557

Enhancement: filter assignee record based on role & isActive


  • Displays the selection for the assignee role and a checkbox for the isActive property on selecting the Assignee.
  • The assignee role is a custom field of type text, not required, label: Assignee Role, name: assigneeRoleTreePosition
  • The isActive property is a custom field of type boolean, not required, and by default marked Yes.
  • A validation is provided to ensure isActive property is selected for the fields of the same role and the same value of the same group ID.
  • Tracking Code: TC-38558

Enhancement: filter assignees on wizard


  • Based on the selected role and the isActive property, the list of assignees are filtered.
  • Displays all assignees of any role if no role is selected.

Tracking Code: TC-38559

Enhancement: ensure form fields as required on wizard

Description: Following changes are implemented in Form Fields:

  • When mapping the Form Fields, Admin can mark the fields As Required. Users are restricted to Finish on the wizard without providing required inputs.
  • If a required field does not have a value, the wizard displays the warning message, “This field <field label> is required. Please provide a value" on Finish and stay open and maintain all input values.

Tracking Code: TC-38560

Enhancement: group field of same Group ID - screen

Description: The following changes are implemented to send the different involved fields to the user for executing the integration:

  • Form fields with the same type and object ID are grouped into one selection.
  • Users are provided to select the object only once.
  • Displays the fields associated and grouped (through the object ID) on the wizard and passed to TAP.

Tracking Code: TC-38554

Enhancement: Ability to send multiple data fields to TAP based on one record selection


Display the Group ID input field for field type Involved, Assignee, Child Record.

The group ID is a custom field of type text, not required, label: Group ID, name: groupId.

Tracking Code: TC-38246

Enhancement: multiple property for involved, assignee and child


  • The maximum number of values depends on the number of entries in the TAP field value when the element name is a comma-delimited value.
  • The value for each added item is sent to the element name in the list.
  • Group ID with the same multiple values, the same number of elements contained in the comma-delimited list.
  • Display an error message if the fields of the same group have the same number of elements while saving the workflow action.
  • The rule name to validate Form Fields Element Name for multiple properties; class name: ValidateFormFieldsElementNameForMultipleProperties.

Tracking Code: TC-37918

Enhancement: multiple property for involved, assignee and child on wizard w/o Group ID grouping


  • For multiple Involved, Assignee, and Child records, users can add more than one up to the number of elements in the comma-delimited list.
  • The element name used to send the value depends on the comma-delimited list in the same order.
  • The add button is disabled along with the text field when the maximum number of elements has reached.
  • when adding an element if it is already in the list, following message should be displayed: "Same Assignee value cannot be added twice." where 'Assignee' is the field type.
  • Displays the message, “Same Assignee value cannot be added twice." if the newly added element is already in the list of the Assignee field type.

Tracking Code: TC-38562

Enhancement: List of form fields sorted by 'Order' input

Description: The following changes are implemented in the Form-fields input list sorted by 'Order':

  • Order' is sorted in both view and as well as edit mode.
  • Ensure 'Order' with a unique input and is validated on click 'Add' button.
  • Displays error message for 'Order' to be unique: "Please note there is already a form field with this order number. Enter a different order number."

Tracking Code: TC-36513

Enhancement: multiple property for involved, assignee and child on wizard with Group ID grouping


  • For multiple Involved, Assignee, and Child records, users can add more than one up to the number of elements in the comma-delimited list.
  • The element name used to send the value depends on the comma-delimited list in the same order.
  • The add button is disabled along with the text field when the maximum number of elements has reached.

Tracking Code: TC-38564

Enhancement: allow to add all for involved, assignee, child record on wizard

Description: Introduced ADD ALL button on the Wizard.  The user has an ability to add multiple fields like Involved, Assignee, and Child Record upon clicking the ADD ALL button where all the items are added to the Wizard.

Tracking Code: TC-39056

Enhancement: allow to remove added items for involved, assignee, child record on wizard

Description: Provided ability for the user to remove an item that has been  added in the table for multiple Involved, Assignee and Child Record fields.

Tracking Code: TC-39057

Enhancement: handle error when getting info from TAP for lookup fields

Description: Displays an error message, “unable to retrieve TAP workflow. This may be due to a change in TAP workflow in TAP. Open the corresponding workflow action and select the TAP workflow and save” when the TAP workflow failed to be retrieved from TAP (wizard, rest screens TBD).

Tracking Code: TC-39445

Enhancement: Update UI to evenly spread fields across the page

Description: Updated the UI by aligning the fields as:

  • If there are only two fields, one is left-aligned, and the second is aligned to the right.
  • More than two fields spread evenly across the width of the page.

Tracking Code: TC-39860

Enhancement: include workflow action name on the 'single point of execution' block

Description: Added a Workflow Action name to the 'single point of execution' block.

Tracking Code: TC-40111

Enhancement: Created by field should be the name of the user who initiated / continued the workflow

Description: The following changes are implemented for better improvement:

  • Introduced Created By column.
  • Displays the name of the person who clicked on the button to Initiate or Continue a Workflow.
  • The field ‘created on behalf of’ can be used.

Tracking Code: TC-40112

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