User Management
Mitratech HQ allows you to manage users across your organization, this includes:
Adding new users (single or in bulk)
Deactivating users
Managing the products they have access to
Before you get started, make sure you have admin access to Mitratech HQ. If you do, you should see the “users” section below.
Add Single Users
Mitratech HQ supports adding users to the individual products by filling out their basic details including name, email and timezone.
User Permissions
Basic users: will have access to Mitratech HQ dashboard and product switcher (9 box grid).
Admin users: will have access to additional sections to configure authentication and manage users.
Application Access
The next step is to decide which products users will have access to. The number of products shown on this list will vary depending on the user's subscription.
Add Users in Bulk
Mitratech HQ admins can add users in bulk by uploading a CSV file containing the following user information:
Last Name
Role in Mitratech HQ
Basic users: will have access to Mitratech HQ dashboard and product switcher (9 box grid).
Admin users: will have access to additional sections to configure authentication and manage users.
Access to the individual products
Specify if a user should be added / will have access to the individual products. Accepted values are “yes” and “no”
A template .csv file is also available for use.
FAQ’s related to user management
Is the role on Mitratech HQ applicable to the individual products?
No, the role field on Mitratech HQ is independent from the individual products, meaning, a user can be an administrator in HQ and have basic roles for the connected products.
What are the user fields that are synced between the products and Mitratech HQ?
Mitatech HQ syncs the users full name and email with the individual products. When adding a user from HQ, some additional information is needed in the individual products, such as “role”. HQ fills this additional information using defaults; for “role” specifically, the lowest role is chosen. You can navigate to the individual products to update the default fields. Review the “Manage Existing Users” article to learn more.
You can also choose to manage users directly from the individual products. Only their name, last name, email and timezone will be synced with Mitratech HQ and the rest of their information will remain available in the products.
Will my 3rd party integrations be affected by Mitratech HQ?
If you have integrations enabled for Trakstar Hire, they shouldn’t be affected as it is a one way integration (you push data from Hire to those systems).
Questions? Reach out to our Support team here!