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LegalHold Open Source Reference Sheet

LH Open Source Software


To download a copy of this table, download LH Open Source Software.xlsx

The table below defines all of the open source licenses that are used in LegalHold 




Apache License

DynamicJasper-core-fonts-1.0.jar 1.0 DynamicJasper is a library that allows you to dynamically create reports at runtime. Apache 1.1
HikariCP-2.7.9.jar 2.7.9 HikariCP is a high-performance JDBC connection pool. Apache 2.0
accessors-smart-1.2.jar 1.2 Accessors Smart provides smarter ways to access fields in Java classes. Apache 2.0
antisamy-1.6.3.jar 1.6.3 Antisamy provides XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) protection for Java applications. Apache 2.0
attoparser-2.0.5.RELEASE.jar 2.0.5 Attoparser is a fast and efficient HTML parser for Java. Apache 2.0
batik-constants-1.14.jar 1.14 Batik Constants provides constants used in the Batik SVG toolkit. Apache 2.0
batik-css-1.14.jar 1.14 Batik CSS provides CSS support for the Batik SVG toolkit. Apache 2.0
batik-i18n-1.14.jar 1.14 Batik I18N provides internationalization support for the Batik SVG toolkit. Apache 2.0
batik-shared-resources-1.14.jar 1.14 Batik Shared Resources provides shared resources for the Batik SVG toolkit. Apache 2.0
batik-util-1.14.jar 1.14 Batik Util provides utility functions for the Batik SVG toolkit. Apache 2.0
boxable-1.5.jar 1.5 Boxable is a library for creating PDF tables in Java. Apache 2.0
brave-5.13.3.jar 5.13.3 Brave is a distributed tracing system for Java. Apache 2.0
brave-instrumentation-http-5.13.3.jar 5.13.3 Brave Instrumentation HTTP provides instrumentation for HTTP in Brave. Apache 2.0
byte-buddy-1.7.11.jar 1.7.11 Byte Buddy is a Java library for creating and modifying Java classes at runtime. Apache 2.0
byte-buddy-agent-1.7.11.jar 1.7.11 Byte Buddy Agent provides agent capabilities for Byte Buddy. Apache 2.0
castor-core-1.4.1.jar 1.4.1 Castor Core provides data binding and marshalling/unmarshalling in Java. Apache 2.0
castor-xml-1.4.1.jar 1.4.1 Castor XML provides XML data binding for Java. Apache 2.0
classmate-1.3.4.jar 1.3.4 ClassMate provides type-resolver capabilities for Java. Apache 2.0
commons-beanutils-1.9.2.jar 1.9.2 Commons BeanUtils provides utility methods for manipulating JavaBeans. Apache 2.0
commons-codec-1.11.jar 1.11 Commons Codec provides implementations of common encoders and decoders. Apache 2.0
commons-collections-3.2.2.jar 3.2.2 Commons Collections provides additional collection classes for Java. Apache 2.0
commons-collections4-4.1.jar 4.1 Commons Collections 4 provides enhanced collection classes for Java. Apache 2.0
commons-configuration-1.10.jar 1.10 Commons Configuration provides a generic configuration interface for Java. Apache 2.0
commons-csv-1.5.jar 1.5 Commons CSV provides utilities for working with CSV files in Java. Apache 2.0
commons-digester-1.8.1.jar 1.8.1 Commons Digester provides XML-to-Java object mapping in Java. Apache 2.0
commons-fileupload-1.3.3.jar 1.3.3 Commons FileUpload provides file upload capabilities for Java web applications. Apache 2.0
commons-httpclient-3.1.jar 3.1 Commons HttpClient provides HTTP client capabilities for Java. Apache 2.0
commons-io-2.5.jar 2.5 Commons IO provides utility classes for I/O operations in Java. Apache 2.0
commons-lang-2.6.jar 2.6 Commons Lang is a library that provides helper utilities for the Java programming language. Apache 2.0
commons-lang3-3.3.2.jar 3.3.2 Commons Lang 3 is a library that provides helper utilities for the Java programming language. Apache 2.0
commons-logging-1.2.jar 1.2 Commons Logging provides a simple logging interface for Java. Apache 2.0
commons-net-3.8.0.jar 3.8.0 Commons Net provides network utility classes for Java. Apache 2.0
commons-validator-1.6.jar 1.6 Commons Validator provides validation utilities for Java. Apache 2.0
commons-vfs2-2.6.0.jar 2.6.0 Commons VFS2 is a virtual file system for Java. Apache 2.0
content-type-2.2.jar 2.2 Content Type is a library for working with HTTP content types in Java. Apache 2.0
dom4j-1.6.1.jar 1.6.1 Dom4j is a library for working with XML in Java. Apache 2.0
esapi- ESAPI (Enterprise Security API) is a set of libraries for security applications in Java. Apache 2.0
flyway-core-4.2.0.jar 4.2.0 Flyway Core provides database migration tools for Java. Apache 2.0
fontbox-2.0.8.jar 2.0.8 FontBox is a library for working with font files in Java. Apache 2.0
groovy-2.4.16.jar 2.4.16 Groovy is a dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Apache 2.0
gson-2.8.5.jar 2.8.5 Gson is a library for converting Java objects to JSON and vice versa. Apache 2.0
guava-21.0.jar 21.0 Guava is a set of core libraries for Java. Apache 2.0
hadoop-hdfs-client-3.2.1.jar 3.2.1 Hadoop HDFS Client provides client utilities for Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Apache 2.0
hibernate-validator-6.0.14.Final.jar 6.0.14.Final Hibernate Validator provides validation capabilities for Hibernate. Apache 2.0
httpclient-4.5.6.jar 4.5.6 HttpClient provides HTTP client capabilities for Java. Apache 2.0
httpcore-4.4.10.jar 4.4.10 HttpCore provides the core functionality for HTTP in Java. Apache 2.0
jackson-annotations-2.13.2.jar 2.13.2 Jackson Annotations provides annotations for Jackson JSON processor. Apache 2.0
jackson-core-2.13.2.jar 2.13.2 Jackson Core provides core functionality for Jackson JSON processor. Apache 2.0
jackson-core-asl-1.9.2.jar 1.9.2 Jackson Core ASL is an older version of Jackson Core (Apache Software License). Apache 2.0
jackson-databind- Jackson Databind provides data-binding functionality for Jackson JSON processor. Apache 2.0
jackson-dataformat-xml-2.13.3.jar 2.13.3 Jackson Dataformat XML provides XML data format support for Jackson JSON processor. Apache 2.0
jackson-datatype-jdk8-2.9.8.jar 2.9.8 Jackson Datatype JDK8 provides Java 8 datatype support for Jackson JSON processor. Apache 2.0
jackson-datatype-jsr310-2.13.3.jar 2.13.3 Jackson Datatype JSR310 provides JSR-310 (Java Time) datatype support for Jackson JSON processor. Apache 2.0
jackson-jaxrs-1.9.2.jar 1.9.2 Jackson JAX-RS provides JAX-RS support for Jackson JSON processor. Apache 2.0
jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.13.jar 1.9.13 Jackson Mapper ASL is an older version of Jackson Mapper (Apache Software License). Apache 2.0
jackson-module-parameter-names-2.9.8.jar 2.9.8 Jackson Module Parameter Names provides support for parameter names in Jackson JSON processor. Apache 2.0
jackson-xc-1.9.2.jar 1.9.2 Jackson XC is an older version of Jackson XML Compatibility. Apache 2.0
jandex-2.0.3.Final.jar 2.0.3.Final Jandex is a Java annotation indexer and ClassInfo lookup library. Apache 2.0
jasperreports-6.13.0.jar 6.13.0 JasperReports is a reporting engine for generating reports in Java applications. Apache 2.0
javassist-3.22.0-GA.jar 3.22.0-GA Javassist is a bytecode manipulation library for Java. Apache 2.0
jboss-logging-3.3.2.Final.jar 3.3.2.Final JBoss Logging provides logging capabilities for Java applications. Apache 2.0
jettison-1.1.jar 1.1 Jettison is a JSON library that converts XML to JSON and vice versa. Apache 2.0
jna-4.5.2.jar 4.5.2 JNA (Java Native Access) allows Java applications to call native code. Apache 2.0
jna-platform-4.5.2.jar 4.5.2 JNA Platform provides platform-specific extensions for JNA. Apache 2.0
joda-time-2.9.9.jar 2.9.9 Joda-Time provides date and time functionality for Java. Apache 2.0
json-smart-2.3.jar 2.3 JSON Smart is a JSON parser and generator for Java. Apache 2.0
kotlin-stdlib-1.6.20.jar 1.6.20 Kotlin Standard Library provides core functionality for Kotlin applications. Apache 2.0
kotlin-stdlib-common-1.6.20.jar 1.6.20 Kotlin Standard Library Common provides common utilities for Kotlin applications. Apache 2.0
kotlin-stdlib-jdk7-1.2.71.jar 1.2.71 Kotlin Standard Library JDK7 provides JDK 7 compatibility for Kotlin applications. Apache 2.0
kotlin-stdlib-jdk8-1.2.71.jar 1.2.71 Kotlin Standard Library JDK8 provides JDK 8 compatibility for Kotlin applications. Apache 2.0
lang-tag-1.6.jar 1.6 Lang Tag provides language tag handling for Java. Apache 2.0
log4j-api-2.10.0.jar 2.10.0 Log4j API provides logging interface for Log4j 2. Apache 2.0
log4j-to-slf4j-2.10.0.jar 2.10.0 Log4j to SLF4J provides bridge functionality between Log4j 2 and SLF4J. Apache 2.0
mapstruct-1.2.0.Final.jar 1.2.0.Final MapStruct generates Java bean mapping code. Apache 2.0
nekohtml-1.9.22.jar 1.9.22 NekoHTML is an HTML parser for Java applications. Apache 2.0
netty-buffer-4.1.79.Final.jar 4.1.79.Final Netty Buffer provides buffer functionalities for Netty. Apache 2.0
netty-codec-4.1.79.Final.jar 4.1.79.Final Netty Codec provides codec support for Netty. Apache 2.0
netty-codec-dns-4.1.79.Final.jar 4.1.79.Final Netty Codec DNS provides DNS codec support for Netty. Apache 2.0
netty-codec-http-4.1.79.Final.jar 4.1.79.Final Netty Codec HTTP provides HTTP codec support for Netty. Apache 2.0
netty-codec-http2-4.1.79.Final.jar 4.1.79.Final Netty Codec HTTP2 provides HTTP/2 codec support for Netty. Apache 2.0
netty-codec-socks-4.1.79.Final.jar 4.1.79.Final Netty Codec SOCKS provides SOCKS codec support for Netty. Apache 2.0
netty-common-4.1.79.Final.jar 4.1.79.Final Netty Common provides common utilities for Netty. Apache 2.0
netty-handler-4.1.79.Final.jar 4.1.79.Final Netty Handler provides handler support for Netty. Apache 2.0
netty-handler-proxy-4.1.79.Final.jar 4.1.79.Final Netty Handler Proxy provides proxy support for Netty. Apache 2.0
netty-incubator-codec-classes-quic-0.0.24.Final.jar 0.0.24.Final Netty Incubator Codec Classes QUIC provides QUIC codec classes for Netty. Apache 2.0
netty-incubator-codec-native-quic-0.0.24.Final-linux-aa… 0.0.24.Final Netty Incubator Codec Native QUIC provides native QUIC support for Netty on Linux. Apache 2.0
netty-resolver-4.1.79.Final.jar 4.1.79.Final Netty Resolver provides resolver support for Netty. Apache 2.0
netty-resolver-dns-4.1.79.Final.jar 4.1.79.Final Netty Resolver DNS provides DNS resolver support for Netty. Apache 2.0
netty-resolver-dns-classes-macos-4.1.72.Final.jar 4.1.72.Final Netty Resolver DNS Classes MacOS provides DNS resolver classes for Netty on MacOS. Apache 2.0
netty-resolver-dns-native-macos-4.1.72.Final-osx-x… 4.1.72.Final Netty Resolver DNS Native MacOS provides native DNS resolver support for Netty on MacOS. Apache 2.0
netty-tcnative-boringssl-static-2.0.53.Final-linux-aa… 2.0.53.Final Netty TC Native BoringSSL Static provides static BoringSSL support for Netty on Linux. Apache 2.0
netty-tcnative-boringssl-static-2.0.53.Final-linux-x86_64.jar 2.0.53.Final Netty TC Native BoringSSL Static provides static BoringSSL support for Netty on Linux x86_64. Apache 2.0
netty-tcnative-boringssl-static-2.0.53.Final-osx-aarch64.jar 2.0.53.Final Netty TC Native BoringSSL Static provides static BoringSSL support for Netty on MacOS. Apache 2.0
netty-tcnative-boringssl-static-2.0.53.Final-osx-x86_64.jar 2.0.53.Final Netty TC Native BoringSSL Static provides static BoringSSL support for Netty on MacOS x86_64. Apache 2.0
netty-tcnative-boringssl-static-2.0.53.Final-windows.jar 2.0.53.Final Netty TC Native BoringSSL Static provides static BoringSSL support for Netty on Windows. Apache 2.0
netty-tcnative-boringssl-static-2.0.53.Final.jar 2.0.53.Final Netty TC Native BoringSSL Static provides static BoringSSL support for Netty. Apache 2.0
netty-tcnative-classes-2.0.53.Final.jar 2.0.53.Final Netty TC Native Classes provides native classes support for Netty. Apache 2.0
netty-transport-4.1.79.Final.jar 4.1.79.Final Netty Transport provides transport support for Netty. Apache 2.0
netty-transport-native-epoll-4.1.31.Final-linux-x86_64.jar 4.1.31.Final Netty Transport Native Epoll provides native epoll support for Netty on Linux x86_64. Apache 2.0
netty-transport-native-kqueue-4.1.31.Final-osx-x86_64.jar 4.1.31.Final Netty Transport Native Kqueue provides native kqueue support for Netty on MacOS x86_64. Apache 2.0
netty-transport-native-unix-common-4.1.79.Final.jar 4.1.79.Final Netty Transport Native Unix Common provides common native support for Netty on Unix. Apache 2.0
nimbus-jose-jwt-9.22.jar 9.22 Nimbus JOSE JWT provides JWT support for Nimbus JOSE. Apache 2.0
not-yet-commons-ssl-0.3.9.jar 0.3.9 Not Yet Commons SSL provides SSL support for Java. Apache 2.0
oauth2-oidc-sdk-9.35.jar 9.35 OAuth2 OIDC SDK provides SDK support for OAuth2 OIDC. Apache 2.0
objenesis-2.6.jar 2.6 Objenesis provides object instantiation for Java. Apache 2.0
ognl-3.1.12.jar 3.1.12 OGNL provides expression language support for Java. Apache 2.0
okhttp-2.7.5.jar 2.7.5 OkHttp provides HTTP client functionality for Java. Apache 2.0
okhttp-3.14.9.jar 3.14.9 OkHttp provides HTTP client functionality for Java. Apache 2.0
okio-1.17.2.jar 1.17.2 Okio provides I/O operations for Java. Apache 2.0
okio-jvm-3.2.0.jar 3.2.0 Okio JVM provides I/O operations for Java. Apache 2.0
opensaml-2.6.1.jar 2.6.1 OpenSAML provides SAML support for Java. Apache 2.0
openws-1.5.1.jar 1.5.1 OpenWS provides web services support for Java. Apache 2.0
owasp-java-html-sanitizer-20180219.1.jar 20180219.1 OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer provides HTML sanitization for Java applications. Apache 2.0
pdfbox-2.0.8.jar 2.0.8 PDFBox provides PDF manipulation for Java. Apache 2.0
quartz-2.3.0.jar 2.3.0 Quartz provides job scheduling for Java applications. Apache 2.0
reactive-streams-1.0.4.jar 1.0.4 Reactive Streams provides asynchronous stream processing for Java. Apache 2.0
reactor-core-3.4.22.jar 3.4.22 Reactor Core provides reactive programming support for Java. Apache 2.0
reactor-netty-core-1.0.14.jar 1.0.14 Reactor Netty Core provides core functionality for Reactor Netty. Apache 2.0
reactor-netty-http-1.0.22.jar 1.0.22 Reactor Netty HTTP provides HTTP support for Reactor Netty. Apache 2.0
reactor-netty-http-brave-1.0.14.jar 1.0.14 Reactor Netty HTTP Brave provides Brave integration for Reactor Netty HTTP. Apache 2.0
reactor-netty-incubator-quic-0.0.3.jar 0.0.3 Reactor Netty Incubator QUIC provides QUIC support for Reactor Netty. Apache 2.0
serializer-2.7.1.jar 2.7.1 Serializer provides serialization support for Java. Apache 2.0
snakeyaml-1.19.jar 1.19 SnakeYAML provides YAML support for Java. Apache 2.0
spring-aop-5.0.12.RELEASE.jar 5.0.12.RELEASE Spring AOP provides aspect-oriented programming for Spring applications. Apache 2.0
spring-aspects-5.0.12.RELEASE.jar 5.0.12.RELEASE Spring Aspects provides additional aspects support for Spring applications. Apache 2.0
spring-beans-5.0.12.RELEASE.jar 5.0.12.RELEASE Spring Beans provides bean support for Spring applications. Apache 2.0
spring-boot-2.0.8.RELEASE.jar 2.0.8.RELEASE Spring Boot provides Spring-based application setup for Java. Apache 2.0
spring-boot-autoconfigure-2.0.8.RELEASE.jar 2.0.8.RELEASE Spring Boot Autoconfigure provides auto-configuration support for Spring Boot. Apache 2.0
spring-boot-starter-2.0.8.RELEASE.jar 2.0.8.RELEASE Spring Boot Starter provides starter dependencies for Spring Boot applications. Apache 2.0
spring-boot-starter-aop-2.0.8.RELEASE.jar 2.0.8.RELEASE Spring Boot Starter AOP provides AOP starter for Spring Boot applications. Apache 2.0
spring-boot-starter-data-jpa-2.0.8.RELEASE.jar 2.0.8.RELEASE Spring Boot Starter Data JPA provides JPA starter for Spring Boot applications. Apache 2.0
spring-boot-starter-jdbc-2.0.8.RELEASE.jar 2.0.8.RELEASE Spring Boot Starter JDBC provides JDBC starter for Spring Boot applications. Apache 2.0
spring-boot-starter-json-2.0.8.RELEASE.jar 2.0.8.RELEASE Spring Boot Starter JSON provides JSON starter for Spring Boot applications. Apache 2.0
spring-boot-starter-logging-2.0.8.RELEASE.jar 2.0.8.RELEASE Spring Boot Starter Logging provides logging starter for Spring Boot applications. Apache 2.0
spring-boot-starter-logging-2.0.8.RELEASE.jar 2.0.8.RELEASE Spring Boot Starter Logging provides logging starter for Spring Boot applications. Apache 2.0
spring-boot-starter-mail-2.0.8.RELEASE.jar 2.0.8.RELEASE Spring Boot Starter Mail provides mail support for Spring Boot applications. Apache 2.0
spring-boot-starter-quartz-2.0.8.RELEASE.jar 2.0.8.RELEASE Spring Boot Starter Quartz provides Quartz support for Spring Boot applications. Apache 2.0
spring-boot-starter-security-2.0.8.RELEASE.jar 2.0.8.RELEASE Spring Boot Starter Security provides security support for Spring Boot applications. Apache 2.0
spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf-2.0.8.RELEASE.jar 2.0.8.RELEASE Spring Boot Starter Thymeleaf provides Thymeleaf support for Spring Boot applications. Apache 2.0
spring-boot-starter-tomcat-2.0.8.RELEASE.jar 2.0.8.RELEASE Spring Boot Starter Tomcat provides Tomcat support for Spring Boot applications. Apache 2.0
spring-boot-starter-web-2.0.8.RELEASE.jar 2.0.8.RELEASE Spring Boot Starter Web provides web support for Spring Boot applications. Apache 2.0
spring-context-5.0.12.RELEASE.jar 5.0.12.RELEASE Spring Context provides application context support for Spring applications. Apache 2.0
spring-context-support-5.0.12.RELEASE.jar 5.0.12.RELEASE Spring Context Support provides additional support for Spring context. Apache 2.0
spring-core-5.0.12.RELEASE.jar 5.0.12.RELEASE Spring Core provides core utilities for Spring applications. Apache 2.0
spring-data-commons-2.0.13.RELEASE.jar 2.0.13.RELEASE Spring Data Commons provides common data support for Spring applications. Apache 2.0
spring-data-jpa-2.0.13.RELEASE.jar 2.0.13.RELEASE Spring Data JPA provides JPA support for Spring applications. Apache 2.0
spring-expression-5.0.12.RELEASE.jar 5.0.12.RELEASE Spring Expression provides expression language support for Spring applications. Apache 2.0
spring-jcl-5.0.12.RELEASE.jar 5.0.12.RELEASE Spring JCL provides common logging for Spring applications. Apache 2.0
spring-jdbc-5.0.12.RELEASE.jar 5.0.12.RELEASE Spring JDBC provides JDBC support for Spring applications. Apache 2.0
spring-orm-5.0.12.RELEASE.jar 5.0.12.RELEASE Spring ORM provides ORM support for Spring applications. Apache 2.0
spring-plugin-core-1.2.0.RELEASE.jar 1.2.0.RELEASE Spring Plugin Core provides core plugin support for Spring applications. Apache 2.0
spring-plugin-metadata-1.2.0.RELEASE.jar 1.2.0.RELEASE Spring Plugin Metadata provides metadata support for Spring plugins. Apache 2.0
spring-security-config-5.0.11.RELEASE.jar 5.0.11.RELEASE Spring Security Config provides security configuration for Spring applications. Apache 2.0
spring-security-core-5.0.11.RELEASE.jar 5.0.11.RELEASE Spring Security Core provides core security support for Spring applications. Apache 2.0
spring-security-jwt-1.0.9.RELEASE.jar 1.0.9.RELEASE Spring Security JWT provides JWT support for Spring Security. Apache 2.0
spring-security-oauth2-2.2.1.RELEASE.jar 2.2.1.RELEASE Spring Security OAuth2 provides OAuth2 support for Spring Security. Apache 2.0
spring-security-oauth2-autoconfigure-2.0.1.RELEASE.jar 2.0.1.RELEASE Spring Security OAuth2 Autoconfigure provides auto-configuration for Spring Security OAuth2. Apache 2.0
spring-security-saml2-core-1.0.3.RELEASE.jar 1.0.3.RELEASE Spring Security SAML2 Core provides SAML2 support for Spring Security. Apache 2.0
spring-security-web-5.0.11.RELEASE.jar 5.0.11.RELEASE Spring Security Web provides web security support for Spring Security. Apache 2.0
spring-tx-5.0.12.RELEASE.jar 5.0.12.RELEASE Spring TX provides transaction support for Spring applications. Apache 2.0
spring-web-5.0.12.RELEASE.jar 5.0.12.RELEASE Spring Web provides web support for Spring applications. Apache 2.0
spring-webmvc-5.0.12.RELEASE.jar 5.0.12.RELEASE Spring Web MVC provides MVC support for Spring Web applications. Apache 2.0
springfox-core-2.9.2.jar 2.9.2 Springfox Core provides core functionality for Swagger integration in Spring applications. Apache 2.0
springfox-schema-2.9.2.jar 2.9.2 Springfox Schema provides schema support for Swagger in Spring applications. Apache 2.0
springfox-spi-2.9.2.jar 2.9.2 Springfox SPI provides SPI support for Swagger in Spring applications. Apache 2.0
springfox-spring-web-2.9.2.jar 2.9.2 Springfox Spring Web provides web support for Swagger in Spring applications. Apache 2.0
springfox-swagger-common-2.9.2.jar 2.9.2 Springfox Swagger Common provides common utilities for Swagger in Spring applications. Apache 2.0
springfox-swagger-ui-2.9.2.jar 2.9.2 Springfox Swagger UI provides UI support for Swagger in Spring applications. Apache 2.0
springfox-swagger2-2.9.2.jar 2.9.2 Springfox Swagger 2 provides Swagger 2 integration for Spring applications. Apache 2.0
stax2-api-4.2.1.jar 4.2.1 StAX2 API provides additional streaming API for XML. Apache 2.0
swagger-annotations-1.5.20.jar 1.5.20 Swagger Annotations provides annotations for Swagger API documentation. Apache 2.0
swagger-models-1.5.20.jar 1.5.20 Swagger Models provides models for Swagger API documentation. Apache 2.0
thymeleaf-3.0.11.RELEASE.jar 3.0.11.RELEASE Thymeleaf is a modern server-side Java template engine for web and standalone environments. Apache 2.0
thymeleaf-expression-processor-1.1.3.jar 1.1.3 Thymeleaf Expression Processor provides expression processing for Thymeleaf. Apache 2.0
thymeleaf-extras-java8time-3.0.2.RELEASE.jar 3.0.2.RELEASE Thymeleaf Extras Java 8 Time provides Java 8 time support for Thymeleaf. Apache 2.0
thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity4-3.0.4.RELEASE.jar 3.0.4.RELEASE Thymeleaf Extras Spring Security 4 provides Spring Security 4 support for Thymeleaf. Apache 2.0
thymeleaf-layout-dialect-2.3.0.jar 2.3.0 Thymeleaf Layout Dialect provides layout support for Thymeleaf. Apache 2.0
thymeleaf-spring5-3.0.11.RELEASE.jar 3.0.11.RELEASE Thymeleaf Spring 5 provides Spring 5 integration for Thymeleaf. Apache 2.0
tomcat-embed-core-8.5.37.jar 8.5.37 Tomcat Embed Core provides core embedding support for Tomcat in Spring applications. Apache 2.0
tomcat-embed-el-8.5.37.jar 8.5.37 Tomcat Embed EL provides EL embedding support for Tomcat in Spring applications. Apache 2.0
tomcat-embed-websocket-8.5.37.jar 8.5.37 Tomcat Embed WebSocket provides WebSocket embedding support for Tomcat in Spring applications. Apache 2.0
unbescape-1.1.6.RELEASE.jar 1.1.6.RELEASE Unbescape is a Java library for escaping and unescaping text for HTML Apache 2.0
validation-api-2.0.1.Final.jar 2.0.1.Final Validation API provides validation support for Java applications. Apache 2.0
velocity-1.7.jar 1.7 Velocity is a Java-based template engine. Apache 2.0
woodstox-core-6.2.7.jar 6.2.7 Woodstox Core provides core XML parsing functionality. Apache 2.0
xalan-2.7.1.jar 2.7.1 Xalan is an XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML Apache 2.0
xml-apis-ext-1.3.04.jar 1.3.04 XML APIs Ext provides additional XML APIs. Apache 2.0
xml-resolver-1.2.jar 1.2 XML Resolver provides XML entity resolution. Apache 2.0
xmlgraphics-commons-2.6.jar 2.6 XML Graphics Commons provides common utilities for XML graphics. Apache 2.0
xmlsec-1.5.6.jar 1.5.6 XML Security provides XML security features. Apache 2.0
xmltooling-1.4.1.jar 1.4.1 XML Tooling provides tools for XML processing. Apache 2.0
zipkin-2.23.2.jar 2.23.2 Zipkin provides distributed tracing for microservices. Apache 2.0
zipkin-reporter-2.16.3.jar 2.16.3 Zipkin Reporter provides reporting capabilities for Zipkin. Apache 2.0
zipkin-reporter-brave-2.16.3.jar 2.16.3 Zipkin Reporter Brave provides reporting support for Brave in Zipkin. Apache 2.0
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