Sunsetting Credit Card Information Fields in INSZoom
At Mitratech and INSZoom, we believe transparency with our customers is critical to our success. With our April 2021 release, INSZoom began the phased sunsetting of the storing and processing of sensitive credit card information within INSZoom. Please see below for more information on our planned deprecation of credit card fields within the application.
Why is INSZoom sunsetting credit card information fields within the application?
ch treats the storing and processing of highly sensitive personal information seriously. Credit card information falls within the category of highly sensitive data and INSZoom is not certified to store this category of information.So that our customers are futureproofed in adhering to compliance frameworks like the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), INSZoom will deprecate credit card information fields and provide customers with tools to extract existing credit card data. Mitratech recommends that our customers procure PCI-certified technology solutions to ensure the storage and processing of credit card information meets rigorous industry standards and evolving client expectations around data security and compliance.
How will INSZoom sunset credit card fields in phases?
We have deprecated credit card information fields in two (2) phases as planned, beginning in our April 2021 release and extending into May with another regularly scheduled release.
In April, credit card fields were either disabled or removed completely from the application interface to ensure new credit card data is not created and stored. 'Credit Card Info' report is made available for the explicit purpose of extracting existing credit card data from INSZoom.
In May, all credit card fields in all areas of the application will be removed from the user interface. 'Credit Card Info' report introduced in April will continue to be available until May 31 2021, to allow customers to review and extract credit card data to a secure location. INSZoom will archive credit card information for an additional thirty (30) days before completely purging all credit card data from our databases in June 2021*.
It is important that all customers who currently store credit card information in INSZoom make effective use of this report available in April and May to extract any credit card data they wish to retain.
Which areas of the application will be impacted by this change?
The following credit card fields will be deprecated across the application by May 31 2021: Card Number, Name as on Card, Card Type, Security Code, and Card Expiration. Below you'll find a table describing the impact to specific areas of the application where credit card fields will be removed.
Application Area |
Module Name |
State in April 2021 |
State in May 2021 |
Billing |
Invoices > Payment Info |
Read-only |
Deprecated |
Billing |
Credit / Escrow |
Read-only |
Deprecated |
Foreign National |
Credit Card Info |
Read-only |
Deprecated |
Foreign National |
Credit / Escrow |
Read-only |
Deprecated |
Case |
Payment Details |
Deprecated |
Deprecated |
Prospect |
Credit Card Info |
Deprecated |
Deprecated |
Prospect |
Intake Template |
Deprecated |
Deprecated |
Corporation |
Credit / Escrow |
Read-only |
Deprecated |
This change will not impact in any way how your Firm accepts Online payments in INSZoom using payment gateways such as LawPay or Authorize.Net. You may continue to accept payments using a Credit card via Lawpay or Authorize.Net.
How to access and export Credit card data using INSZoom Reports?
'Credit Card Info' report is available in Reports 3.0 for the explicit purpose of extracting existing credit card data from INSZoom. Access to this report is only available to Case Managers with the ‘Report Administrator’ privilege to prevent unauthorized access to this highly sensitive data.
To access this report, privileged users may navigate to Reports 3.0 > Partner / Manager Reports > Billing Reports > Credit Card Info.
*Update for June 2021
As of June 2021 release, INSZoom has completed the sunset of the all credit card fields as per the plan. The Report for Credit Cards is no longer available.