Product Updates - November, 2020
1. BOX Integration
Applicable Editions: Enterprise, Professional.
If your Firm is using BOX to store case documents, now you can connect your Firm's BOX account to INSZoom and seamlessly store all case documents from INSZoom in the BOX.
INSZoom offers great Document Management System and unlimited storage option. You can review your storage options and look at INSZoom to manage all your data and documents. If you wish to continue with the BOX, just subscribe to "BOX Integration" feature.
Subscription-based Feature
It is a billable feature. Firm admin can subscribe it from Setup > Subscriptions section. Once subscribed, connect the BOX account. All documents uploaded in INSZoom post subscription will be synced with BOX.
One-way sync
Uploaded document is stored in BOX and link is maintained in INSZoom. Any changes done directly in BOX will not sync back in INSZoom. For example, moving the file to a different folder or deleting the file.
Real-time sync
Document uploaded by Case Manager or Foreign National or Corp User into INSZoom will be synced with Box instantly.
Which Documents?
Documents uploaded in Documents section at Corporation / Foreign National / Case Profile, Email Links and To-Dos are synced.
Folder Structure in BOX
Integration follows a well-defined folder structure in Box.
- Main/Root Folder in Box will be named as "INSZoom".
- Folder for Corporation Profile Documents "INSZoom / <Corporation Name – ID>".
- For Family/Individual Clients, Corporation folder will be named as “Family/Individual Clients”.
- Folder for Client/Foreign National Profile Documents "INSZoom / <Corporation Name – ID> / <Client/FN Name – ID>"
- Folder for Case Profile Documents will be named as "INSZoom / <Corporation Name – ID> / <Client/FN Name – ID> / <Case ID>"
Preview Document
Documents uploaded in Box through INSZoom can be previewed directly from INSZoom application.
Delete Document
Documents uploaded in Box through INSZoom can be deleted from INSZoom application.
You can continue to use following power features of INSZoom, even with the BOX Integration on.
- Use INSZoom's Docs Check List, Email and To-Do features to collect documents.
- Send Documents to Foreign Nationals or Corp Users for review.
- Prepare filing package.
What happens if I delete the Foreign National or Case Profile?
Profile will be deleted in INSZoom but related folders and documents in Box will remain as-is.
What happens if I recover that Foreign National or Case I deleted?
Profile will be restored in INSZoom along with link to folders and documents in Box.
What do I do if I delete a document in INSZoom by accident?
Documents are not recoverable within INSZoom as a deletion is a permanent action.
What if I have a Foreign National with multiple cases?
When a folder is created in Box it is named after the Foreign National's name and ID. When you click into this folder you will see each case under that Foreign National has a separate folder.
What if I don't use Box but I want to try this?
You will have to set up an account with Box prior to using the integration.
How big of a file can I upload?
You must follow the restrictions for per-file size limit on your INSZoom account.
How to sync historical documents uploaded in INSZoom prior to Integration?
INSZoom has developed one-time migration tool that can load all historical documents from INSZoom to your Box account. This is a separate one-time billable activity, please reach out to INSZoom support for more details.
2. Subscriptions Module
Applicable Editions: Enterprise, Professional, Standard
Unified interface and increased transparency to manage add-on subscriptions for Firm Administrators and INSZoom Enablement Team.
- Get a summary of all available Subscriptions and what you have subscribed.
- See which Features are free and which are billable.
- Learn about the feature, Subscribe, Cancel Subscription and track activities.
- View and Subscribe Feature plans
- Track Feature usage
- View and manage Feature configurations
- Upgrade plans
- Track all Feature subscription related activity by any Firm Staff
- Streamline communication between Firm Administrator and INSZoom Enablement Team. Email communication to right stakeholders
- On new Subscription request by any Firm Administrator
- On Subscription enablement by INSZoom Enablement Team
- On Subscription cancellation by Firm Administrator
- On Subscription/Cancellation request withdrawal
Firm Administrators and Case Managers can access the Subscriptions module at Setup > Subscriptions.
Features List:
Following features are available for subscription. Check if the feature is applicable to your firm edition while subscribing.
A. Free Features
- Google Translator
- Questionnaire Track Changes
- Headquarter Module - Free only for Enterprise edition customers paying the list price
- Advanced Case Request - Free only for Enterprise edition customers paying the list price
B. Billable Features
- General
- License
- Storage
- Global Forms Framework
- Workflow and Automation
- Text/SMS Communication
- Zoomee Virtual Assistant
- Zoomee Visitor bot
- Security and Privacy
- e-Consent
- Multi-Factor Authentication
- Single Sign On
- Integrations
- DocuSign
- Online Payments - LawPay and Authorize.NET
- QuickBooks Sync
- Zoom Email Sync
- Zoom Calendar Sync
- Zoom Integrator
- Zoom APIs
- Web Hooks
- BOX Integration
- Services
- Data Backup
- Staging Server
3. Forms 4.0 Updates
Applicable Editions: Enterprise, Professional, Standard
1. Form I-131 printing with no-barcode
I-131 Form will be available by default for printing with no-barcode. No-barcode version of I-131 form will now be available for inclusion in Bulk Printing and Package for Filing features.
You may download Form I-131 with Barcode if required, using the 'Barcode' menu available in Case Forms view.
Note: As per communication in, all forms with or without a barcode at the bottom of the page are processed by USCIS.
2. Ability to update/change the Form title/description.
Case managers can now update/change the Form title/description
4. e-filing Add-on Updates
Applicable Editions: Enterprise, Professional, Standard
1. National Visa Center (NVC) Case Status Check.
You can now check Visa Case Status (US Immigration) from Client's (Foreign national's) profile > US Immigration Info > Visa Info, next to Application ID or Case Number.
2. Canada Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) Assessment for Prospects.
CRS assessment for Canada Immigration feature is now available for Prospective Client (Applicant) Records.
3. Login Credentials Support.
Case Managers can securely store login credentials of online accounts of Gov e-filing websites such as USCIS, FLAG, PERM, CIC etc. at Setup > Advanced Settings > e-filing/e-tracking. You can use the stored credentials to login and e-file respective forms or check the status.
5. To-Do Module Updates
Applicable Editions: Enterprise, Professional
1. Ability to add reviewer
Choose a reviewer if you are not the To-Do owner and create a To-Do on behalf of another staff.
For example, a Receptionist can assign a To-Do to a Foreign National (FN) on behalf of an Attorney or Paralegal. Since Attorney or Paralegal need to review the information returned by Foreign National, To-Do should get listed on Attorney or Paralegal's list. Receptionist can do so by marking Attorney or Paralegal as Reviewer of the To-Do.
2. Ability to CC other users for To-Do notifications
You can now add other Case Managers or Corp Users as CC to the To-Do. All CC members will receive To-Do activity notifications.
3. Advance reminder alerts for To-Do
To-Do Assignee and the stakeholders tagged for To-Do notifications will receive advance reminder emails informing about the pending To-Dos and nearing completion due date to encourage the Assignee to complete the To-Do before the due date.
4. To-Do Assignment emails in Communication Summary
All To-Do Assignment emails will now be available in Communication Summary along with all the other emails in Corporation, Client and Case levels.
5. To-Do Due Date in Assigned to me/For my Review Tab
Case Managers now can view the Due Date in Assigned to me/For my Review Tab.
6. Reports 3.0 Updates
Applicable Editions: Enterprise, Professional
1. Billing Dashboard
If you are using Billing Module of INSZoom, Billing Dashboard will provide Partners and Attorneys with all vitals and insights for your Firm's Billing Operations. Your Corporate clients can also view the Billing details in HR portal.
It provides following details,
Partner/Manager Reports > Billing Reports
- Invoice status summary - Show Invoice Summary by Status within selected Invoice creation date range
- Payments status summary - Show Payments Summary for Invoices within selected Invoice creation date range
- Income and Expense - Show Total Income and Total Expense for Invoices within selected Invoice creation date range
- Aging Summary as of today - Show Total Overdue Invoices and Aging summary as 30 days past due, 60 days past due, 90 days past due and 90+days past due
- Escrow Summary as of today - Show total Escrow amount as of today
- Payment Status Report - Show list of all invoices and installments (as per payment plan) due within the period and status if payment is received or not
- Payment Summary Report - Show list of all payments within the period
HR/Corporation Portal Reports > Billing Reports
- Billing Summary as of today - Billed amount, Paid amount, Outstanding amount and Escrow amount
- Invoice status summary - Show Invoice Summary by Status within selected Invoice creation date range
- Payments status summary - Show Payments Summary for Invoices within selected Invoice creation date range
- Aging Summary as of today - Show Total Overdue Invoices and Aging summary as 30 days past due, 60 days past due, 90 days past due and 90+days past due
- Payment Summary Report - Show list of all payments within the period
2. PERM Report
15 New fields added to the PERM report are- Intended Date of Employment From, Intended Date of Employment To, Work Period, Job City, Job, Country, Job State, Job Street, Job Suite, Job Zip, Client Date of Hiring From, Client Date of Hiring To, Wage Level, Rate of Pay Basic, Salary Offered, Prevailing Wage
3. Nurse Report
View detailed report for healthcare workers (Nurses) in US Immigration.
4. New ADHOC field - Proposed Job County
7. Other Updates
7.1 LCA Feature Enhancement
Applicable Editions: Enterprise, Professional
LCA Feature is used for tracking Labor Certification Assessment details for the Corporations. We are adding following fields to LCA record.
1. LCA File Path
Use this field to store URLs or physical file location of the LCA Public Access File.
2. Withdrawn Date
Track Withdrawn Date of LCA if the status is set to 'Withdrawn'.
3. Auto-population of Purge Date
Users can now get an estimated Purge Date pre-calculated by INSZoom, once the value for the Withdrawn date is provided. This was only possible after the introduction of the field 'Withdrawn Date',
7.2 New Keywords for PERM Process
Applicable Editions: Enterprise, Professional
The following 127 new keywords are now available to be used at Letter and Email templates.