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Forms 4.0

An all-new improved way of managing, collaborating and working on your case forms.

Forms are a core part of the Immigration case preparation process and the most used feature in the INSZoom case management system. Forms 4.0 is designed to improve your case preparation efficiency by introducing forms workflow, status management and better transparency on the Form data population.

Features and Benefits

Improved Interface - Simplified and efficient management of case forms

Status and workflow for Forms - Improved efficiency, visibility, and better collaboration 

Enlarged forms view area - Magnify views when drafting or reviewing case forms

Stakeholder Management for Forms - Improved transparency for case managers regarding form data source and accuracy in form preparation

Integrated Form utilities/ tools - Aid efficient form preparation and collaboration

In-app Case Document access - Refer Case documents for all Stakeholders while preparing the forms without leaving the Forms interface.

Find and Replace fields - Find any character to update with a new value or populate, ‘NA’, or ‘None’ onto the blank fields

Full functional Activity Log - Managing the Who, What, and When for the form’s operational transactions.

Getting Started with Forms 4.0

From the Classic Case Forms list view, you will find a floating menu with a prompt to try ‘Forms 4.0’. Once you are in Forms 4.0, you will have an option to switch back to Classic forms view until July 2020. 


Forms 4.0 - Look and feel

We’ve re-designed the Forms interface for Case managers to simplify and improve the experience while working on Case Forms. Forms 4.0 includes easy access to Forms library with the ability to add case forms from Petition templates defined in the Knowledge-base or directly search for Forms from the Master forms library. 

Simply click on the Form ID to view or edit the form. A Progress bar is included to show the percentage of fields filled in the form. 


Status and workflow for Forms

With Forms 4.0, Status and automated workflow are introduced for better visibility and efficient management of Forms. 

Form statuses introduced with Forms 4.0 are,

· In Draft 

· In Review 

· Ready for Signature

· Sent for Signature

· Ready for filing 

· Filed 

These status changes are automatically triggered with relevant actions to be performed based on prior actions by the case manager. Statuses can also be manually changed as per the business flow. 


Enlarged forms view area when working on Forms

Get the convenience of being able to magnify views when drafting or reviewing case forms. Forms 4.0 now includes an ability to work on forms with an enlarged forms view area.

The simplified header provides a better view vertically and the form fits the full width available horizontally providing an improved working experience.


The right menu pane can be collapsed and the form auto-adjusts, allowing you to focus more on the form.


If required, case managers drafting or reviewing forms can use the Zoom in/ Zoom out feature to further adjust the form view





Forms Stakeholder Management

Immigration Forms may require multiple stakeholders such as Petitioner, Beneficiary/ Applicant, Interpreter, Preparer’s data be collected, processed and populated onto the forms. 

Forms 4.0 introduces Stakeholder management to Improve transparency for case managers and easily manage the stakeholders associated with the forms. With Stakeholder Management, case managers can better visualize the form data source and improve accuracy in form preparation.



Anytime, during the form preparation phase, case managers can easily update Stakeholders from a dropdown with relevant choices. 

Integrated Form Utilities, tools

Forms 4.0 includes many integrated utilities/ tools that are easily accessible and can aid the case manager in improving efficiency during form preparation and collaboration. 
Utilities/ tools such as Copy to clipboard, paste from clipboard, import from previous form, Refresh form data, Activity are included with Form 4.0.



In-app Case Document access

Forms 4.0 includes the ability to access Case documents right from the form preparation interface. This could be helpful for case managers to refer to any case documents while preparing or updating case forms without having to leave the forms interface. 





Find and Replace fields

More often users need to find specific text (data) in the forms for review or find something that may need correction while preparing or reviewing the forms. This task could be time-consuming without a tool that could quickly find anything (including blank fields) and replace them with the required text or value. This as well applies to the recent USCIS requirement of not leaving any blank fields empty in the form.    

To address these needs, INSZoom added a form utility to find any character to update with a new value or populate, ‘NA’, or ‘None’ onto the blank fields.  

How it works

This utility will scan all form fields except checkboxes, radio buttons (round checkboxes), and drop-down menus. ​​

  • Find blank fields and replace them with values such as NA, NONE, and/or what is applicable to the field. ​
  • Find any character to update with a new value or text. ​
  • Replace a single field or all fields with a value or text​

Forms that have fields where the government strictly requires a certain format (e.g. numbers only) will NOT be updated by this utility.

Availability: Feature available in Forms 4.0 as well as Classic Fast forms. This is not supported on the INSZoom PDF forms.

Getting Started

From the Forms 4.0 > Forms list, just click on the Form ID to view or edit the form. In the Form view or edit mode, look for the ‘Find and Replace fields’ menu in the right pane.

On launch, this utility by default will find all blank fields in the Form. You can navigate through all blank fields using the up/down arrow within the utility.



Replace with values such as NA, NONE, and/or what is applicable to the field. ​ Replace a single field or all fields with a value or text​.


Use the dropdown in ‘Find what’ to switch mode and find any character in the form to update with a new value or text


If you are currently using Classic Fast forms, click on the ‘Find and replace fields’ icon on the top right corner to get started.




Activity in Forms 4.0 supports the Case mangers and the Firm with improved visibility, control on operational actions, data security and compliance.  

Managing the Who, What, and When for the forms operational transactions are simplified with Activity in Forms 4.0


Activity includes the ability to search or filter by transaction date range. Activities can be reviewed for a specific form or for multiple forms of a case.

Watch the video tutorial on Forms 4.0

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