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How to Review Your Agreement Status

EraCLM has its own status indicators for the status of the Agreements.

The system indicates every status in the platform with a specific color for easy understanding.

  • Red: There are pending actions on your side.
  • Yellow: There are pending actions on the counterparty side.
  • Grey: The Agreement is Closed, Canceled, or it is in Draft status.

These are all the status for the Agreements created in EraCLM:

  • Document Draft: The process of putting together the Agreement. Only the party that creates the Agreement can enter this status. This status changes once the Contract Originator sends the Agreement to negotiate.

  • Internal Review: When you create a team to negotiate, these are the status the system displays during this internal negotiation.

  • Pending on You: You have actions pending in the Agreement. This status changes once you finish your pending tasks.

  • Pending on My Team: More than one person from your team has actions pending in the Agreement. This status changes once there is only one person from your team with pending action in the Agreement.
  • Pending on [User]: Only one person from your team has pending actions in the Agreement. This status changes once he finishes his pending tasks.
  • Ready to Send: When your team has finished the internal negotiation of the Agreement. This status changes when the Contract Originator sends the Agreement to negotiate with the counterparty.

  • Pending Approval on [User]: Your Document requires an approval from the indicated user. Once the approval agrees with the contents of the Agreement, the system continues the negotiation process.

  • Counterparty Review: Your counterparty is reviewing the Agreement. The different statuses the counterparty sees through their internal negotiation process are the same from the Internal Review section.

  • Ready to Accept: You and your counterparty have finished the negotiation process. Now is time to accept the Agreement.

  • Pending Acceptance on You: The Agreement tags are complete and both parties have finished negotiating terms, but you still have to accept the Agreement. This status is only for "Acceptance" Agreements.

  • Pending Signature on You: The Agreement tags are complete and both parties have finished negotiating terms, but you still have to sign the Agreement. This status is only for "Signature" Agreements.
  • Pending Acceptance on Counterparty: The Agreement tags are complete and both parties have finished negotiating terms, but the counterparty still has to accept the Agreement. This status is only for "Acceptance" Agreements.
  • Pending Signature on Counterparty: The Agreement tags are complete and both parties have finished negotiating terms, but the counterparty still has to accept the Agreement. This status is only for "Signature" Agreements.

  • Completed: Both parties have finished negotiating, and the Agreement is now complete and you can no longer make edits.

  • Signed: You and your counterparty have both signed the Agreement. This status is only for "Signature" Agreements.

  • Accepted: Both parties have accepted the terms in the Agreement. This status is only for "Acceptance" Agreements.

View your Agreements Status

EraCLM allows you to visualize the entire contracting process status.

To review the status of your Agreements:

  1. Click the Agreements tab on the navigation bar located on the top of the page. The system displays a list of all the Agreements in which you have collaborated.
  2. Find the Agreement of which you want to see the status. You can manually search the Agreement on the Search bar.
  3. Select the Agreement. The system redirects you to the Contract Editor.
  4. On the toolbar, click the History icon, indicated with a small clock. Select Summary from the options displayed.

The system displays the Summary of the Agreement. If there are pending activities on you, you can proceed to take action.

Requests Status

These are all the status for the Requests you create in EraCLM:

  • Draft: The process of filling out the request. This status changes once you send the request to process.
  • Unassigned Request: The request has not been assigned to someone to process. This status changes when somebody takes the request or assigns it to someone else.
  • Recipient Review: The request is now in process. (WIP)

Records Status

These are all the status for the Records you create in EraCLM:

  • Closed: You have uploaded a Record to EraCLM but did not verify the signatures on the uploaded Record.
  • Verified: You have verified the signatures on the uploaded Record.

Other Status

There are other different status for the Agreements in EraCLM:

  • Withdrawn: You can retire from the negotiation of an Agreement. The Agreement enters in Withdrawn status when selecting Withdraw from the dropdown list on the Close icon in the Contract Editor. You cannot retire from an Agreement once both parties have completed the process.

  • Canceled: You can cancel the creation of an Agreement while drafting. To do this, select Cancel from the dropdown list on the Close icon in the Contract Editor. You cannot cancel the Agreement once you send to negotiate.