Password Policy Settings
Password Policy Settings lets you configure the password requirements for all users. By default, the password policies are as follows:
Value | Default | Description |
Enforce Password History | 10 | Enforce Password History saves previous passwords n times, so that users can't repeat passwords. |
Minimum Password Length | 8 | The platform accepts a minimum value of eight. |
Maximum Password Length | 8 | Maximum length of a password. The default value is eight, but Corridor can accept lengths of up to 2 million characters, so ensure to put a reasonable limit to the password length, for example, 21. |
Require Alphabetic Characters | Checked | If Require Alphabetic Characters is checked, then Corridor requires at least one alphabetic character. |
Require Numeric Characters | Checked | If Require Numeric Characters is checked, then Corridor requires at least one numeric character. |
Require Special Characters | Checked |
If Require Special Characters is checked, then Corridor requires at least one special character. Supported special characters are: `!@#%^&*()_+-=[]{};':"\|,.<>/?~ |
Password Age in Days | 90 | Configure the number of days before the user must change the password. |
Show Password Expiration Warning | 3 | Configure how many days in advance the platform reminds the user to change the password. As a minimum, it has to be one day in advance. |
Account Lock Out Threshold | 5 | The account locks out after n failed attempts. When reaching the number of failed attempts, only admins or support users can unlock the account. |
Account Lock Out Threshold Reset Duration (In Minutes) | 15 |
The count of failed attempts to log in is reset to 0 when the user waits the minutes configured in Account Lock Out Threshold Reset Duration only if the number of failed attempts is less than Account Lock Out Threshold. |
Note: Set any value to 0 to disable the value.
To modify the password policies, change the values and click SUBMIT.