Admin: Create a New User Page
You can add a new user ID by clicking the Add New User link in the Administration area on the Corridor home page. On the Admin: Create a New User page, all fields are required except a FAX number.
Name – The full name of the user.
Application Rights – Select an application right for the user from the Application Rights dropdown menu. See User Application Rights for more information.
For administrators, the application rights cannot be modified.
Status – The status for a new user is set automatically to Active. When editing a user account, the status can be changed to Inactive, which will override any expiration date and immediately revoke privileges to login to Corridor.
Username – The identifier must be at least five characters and can contain letters, numbers, and underscores.
New Password/Confirm Password – A password must be at least eight characters long and consists of alphanumeric characters and special characters.
A new Corridor user will be forced to change his/her password on first log in.
Contact Information – A Manager's contact information (name and e-mail link) will be displayed on the Corridor home page. A link to the e-mail address of the Administrator also will display on the Corridor home page. When entering phone numbers with extensions, enter the number, then type an "x" character before the extension. For example, enter (888) 664-0005x1234.
An Expiration Date is set automatically to six months after the user first logs in and changes his/her password, but is editable by the Administrator. A Manager can change the Expiration Date for Invoice Submitter and Read Only users. Once a user's account expires, the user will be prompted to change his/her password the next time he/she logs into Corridor.
View Users – Click to open a list of users in the system.
Save – Click to save the record and return to the Admin: View Users page.
Save/New – Click to save the record and remain on the Admin: Create a New User page.
Cancel – Click to cancel the entry and return to the home page.