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Email Templates

Employment Verification Contact Request  

Subject Line: Contact Information Needed for Employment Verification - AssureHire


I am with AssureHire; a third-party background screening company. We are trying to find contact information for someone who can provide an employment verification; specifically dates of employment and position title. 

Thank you,


Employment Verification

Subject Line: Employment Verification - AssureHire


I am looking to verify employment for FIRST LAST, (SSN:XXX-XX-0000) to complete a background check. The applicant’s consent form is attached. This verification can be returned by email or fax to 530-500-6104. 


Start Date:

End Date:

Job Title:

Eligible for Rehire:

Reason for leaving:


Your Name and Title:

Company Name:


Thank you,


Education Verification

Subject Line: Education Verification - AssureHire


I am requesting to verify education for FIRST LAST, SSN:XXX-XX-0000, DOB: XX/XX/XXXX, Graduation Year: XXXX. The applicant’s consent form is attached. This verification can be returned by email or fax to 530-500-6104. 


Name of Institution:

Graduation Date:

Diploma/Degree Awarded:



Your Name and Title:

School Name:


Thank you,


Professional Reference

Subject Line: Response Needed - Professional Reference

APPLICANT has authorized AssureHire to contact you for the purpose of conducting a professional reference. Please complete the following information with as much detail as possible.

How long have you worked with APPLICANT?

At what company did you two worked together? 

What was your job title when you worked together? 

What was APPLICANT’S title when you worked together? 


On a scale of 1 - 5 (5 being the highest) rate the following:

Their reliability:

Their patience: 

Their sense of responsibility: 

Their loyalty: 

Their honesty: 

Their ability to work in teams: 

Their willingness to help:

Is there anything that they could work to improve on?

Personal Reference

Subject Line: Response Needed - Personal Reference

APPLICANT has authorized AssureHire to contact you for the purpose of conducting a personal reference.

Due to the nature of our business, we are required to obtain references that not only to verify information given to us by APPLICANT, but also address APPLICANT'S performance and character. Thank you for taking a few moments to answer the following questions. Please complete the following information with as much detail as possible.


How long have you known APPLICANT?

What is your relationship with APPLICANT?

Have you ever worked on a project with APPLICANT

  • If yes, would you say APPLICANT followed through with their responsibilities? Yes/No

  • On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the highest) how would you rate the quality of their work?


Would you describe them as a reliable person? Yes/No

Would you describe them as a patient person? Yes/No

Would you describe them as a loyal person? Yes/No

Would you describe them as a honest person? Yes/No

Would you describe them as a responsible person? Yes/No


Is there anything that they could work to improve on?

Certificate / Vocational Diploma Listed

Subject Line: Highest Level of Completed Education Needed - AssureHire 


We're processing your background check on behalf of CLIENT. It appears that a CERTIFICATE / VOCATIONAL degree was listed. For the purposes of this background check we are unable to process CERTIFICATES / VOCATIONAL degrees. I am reaching out for your next highest level of standard education completed (Associates, High School Diploma, GED, etc.) If available please provide the following information for your highest level of standard education.

-School name



-Major (if applicable) 

-Graduation date

-Name at time of graduation


If no response is received within 72 hours this search will be closed.


If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you,


Enrollment Listed

Subject Line: Highest Level of Completed Education Needed - AssureHire 


We're processing your background check on behalf of CLIENT. It appears that you are currently enrolled at INSTITUTION. For the purposes of this background check we are unable to process enrollment. I am reaching out for your next highest level of standard education completed (Associates, High School Diploma, GED, etc.) If available please provide the following information for your highest level of standard education.

-School name



-Major (if applicable) 

-Graduation date

-Name at time of graduation


If no response is received within 72 hours this search will be closed.


If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you,


International Approval Request to CSM 

Subject Line: Approval for International Search


Req NUMBER is an international EMPLOYMENT/EDUCATION verification. The client is CLIENT NAME. The Vital4 price is $41 (per search) and TAT is 15 days. Please let me know how the client would like to proceed. 

Thank you,


International Request 

Subject Line: Documents Needed for International Search - AssureHire


We're processing your background check on behalf of CLIENT. At this time, I am in need of completion of the documents attached below in order to move forward with our international vendor, Vital4. Please note the consent form requires a wet signature. Once completed, please upload to the link below.




If no response is received within 72 hours this search will be closed.


If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you,


Proof Request 

Subject Line: Information Needed Regarding Your Background Check for CLIENT  - AssureHire


We're processing your background check on behalf of CLIENT. At this time, I am in need of supporting documentation for your background check in the event that we are unable to get a verification directly from the source.

To help expedite the completion of your report, please use the secure link below to view and upload additional documentation. If no response is received within 72 hours, this request will be closed after all possible attempts to verify directly from the source. 




Thank you for your attention to this matter,



DOT Employment Verification

Subject Line: DOT Employment Verification - AssureHire


I am submitting a DOT Records Request for APPLICANT NAME (SSN: XXX-XX-0000) to complete a background check. The applicant’s consent form is attached. This verification can be returned by email or fax to 530-500-6104.


Thank you for taking the time to respond to this request,



DOT Request to Applicant

Subject Line: Documents Needed for DOT Verification - AssureHire


We're processing your background check on behalf of CLIENT. As part of that, DOT employment verifications have been ordered for you for the following employer(s):


In order to process these requests, a DOT form is required for each employer. A blank copy of the form is attached. Please complete the Employee Authorization section on Page 1 for each employer. 

Once complete, please upload the form using the following attachment link:




If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you,



Follow Up for Proof

Subject Line: Documents Needed - AssureHire


We're processing your background check on behalf of CLIENT. I'm following up on my last email. Are you able to provide the requested documents? Here is the secure link to upload them if available. 




If no response is received within 72 hours this search will be closed.

Thank you,



Unresponsive Reference, Requesting Assistance from the Applicant

Subject Line: Assistance Needed - AssureHire


We're processing your background check on behalf of CLIENT. After multiple attempts we have been unable to reach your reference(s) REFERENCE NAME. If you could, please reach out to them and ask that they give me a call back at NUMBER.


If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you,


Additional Employment Needed

Subject Line: Additional Employment Needed - AssureHire


We're processing your background check on behalf of CLIENT. Would you be able to provide the following information for your past AMOUNT employers as this is the minimum requirement set by your prospective employer? I will need their:


-Company name or staffing agency

-Company address

-Company phone number

-Your job title

-Start date

-End date


Thank you,



Additional Reference Needed

Subject Line: Additional Reference Needed - AssureHire


We're processing your background check on behalf of CLIENT. Would you be able to provide AMOUNT additional TYPE references as this is the minimum requirement set by your prospective employer? I will need their:

-Reference’s name

-Reference’s direct phone number or email 

-Company worked together at

-Relationship length


Thank you,



Wet Signature Consent Form

Wet Signature Consent form can be found in the Documents and Resources section of the SOP

Subject Line: Information Needed Regarding Your Background Check for CLIENT  - AssureHire

I'm with the third-party background screening company running your background screening on behalf of CLIENT NAME. At this time, we are in need of additional documentation from you.
To verify your EMPLOYMENT / EDUCATION , EMPLOYER / INSTITUTION NAME has indicated that they are only able respond to requests that include a release containing a wet signature. All of the previously signed disclosures have been eSignatures. I am reaching out to you to obtain a wet signature. Please print, sign with ink, and upload to the link below; the attached release form.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you,



VeriSafeJobs Access PIN

Subject Line: Information Needed Regarding Your Background Check - AssureHire


I am with the company running your background check on behalf of CLIENT. EMPLOYER uses an automated service called VeriSafeJobs to verify employment. To use this service the applicant (you) needs to log into VeriSafeJobs and generate a temporary PIN. Once you have done that, send the PIN to me so I can continue processing your background check.

If no response is received within 72 hours this search will be closed.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you,


Certree Records Release

Subject Line: Information Needed Regarding Your Background Check - AssureHire


We're processing your background check on behalf of CLIENT. EMPLOYER uses an automated service called Certree to verify employment. To complete the verification with this service you will receive an email from Certree requesting you to approve the release of your employment history at EMPLOYER. Once you have done that, please let me know so I can continue processing your background check.


If no response is received within 72 hours this search will be closed.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you,

Jamul Permission to Close Order

Subject Line: Permission to Close Order - AssureHire


We have been trying to reach APPLICANT NAME (order number NUMBER) with no response for the last three business days. We are unable to reach them via phone or email. Please advise on how you would like us to proceed.

Thank you,



Professional License Clarification

Subject Line: Professional License Information Needed - AssureHire


We're processing your background check on behalf of CLIENT. Would you be able to confirm if you hold a professional license (Ex. Nursing, Engineering.) as the initial submission shows information for a drivers license?  If so, please provide the following information:

- Type of License

- Issuing Agency

- License Number

- Issuing State


If no response is received within 72 hours this search will be closed. 


Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,



Professional License Proof

Subject Line: Professional License - AssureHire


We're processing your background check on behalf of CLIENT. At this time, I am in need of a copy of your professional license. If available, please upload it to the secure link:




If no response is received within 72 hours this search will be closed.

Thank you,


Check Needed for Verification

*Please attach the consent form and any other required documents* 

Subject Line: Check Needed 


Req (insert req number) requires a check to be sent via surface mail. Below is the information required. 

Who to make the check out to:
Where to mail it:
Check amount: $


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